Non-violence is the article of faith.

Fascism is not an article for export.

Article 370 is not a separatist slogan.

I can't comment on every article in the newspapers.

Few footballers at 20 or 21 are the finished article.

How can German music not be represented by an article?

The BJP, during its reign, has never misused Article 356.

I wrote an article for Revolver and it was very offensive.

I don't see how an article of clothing can be indecent. A person, yes.

Anybody can cut prices, but it takes brains to produce a better article.

Article 50 is very poorly written and raises more questions more answers.

Anyone can make an article longer; the skill is keeping it tight and lean.

In 2008, 'Surfer's Journal' published 'The Next Wave' image with an article.

There's always an article coming out, saying, 'The new thing is funny women!'

As compared with the college politician, the real article seems like an amateur.

It's an article of faith that the novels I've loved will live inside me forever.

A tweet in an article can feel more permanent and louder than a tweet on Twitter.

'Article 15' is an investigative drama where the audience too is an accused party.

If a reporter doesn't like the person he's writing about, it shows up in his article.

Fewer than half of all university professors publish as much as one article per year.

My new novel 'Red Hook Road' began many years ago as a short article in the newspaper.

Nonviolence is the first article of my faith. It is also the last article of my creed.

The only tough thing is admitting to my wife how much a certain article of clothing costs.

Whilst there are problems with Article 50, it is the statement of intent that is important.

I never, ever read the comments below an article on the Web. People are mean. I'm a human being.

An article in the 'Moscow Times' described Trump as the city's first grand builder since Stalin.

Almost every day, you see an article in the papers about someone violating a campaign finance law.

How can an article about me or the Batman be the true story when I am not consulted or interviewed?

I try to tell one lie in every interview. It keeps people I know amused when they read the article.

As a result of this article, I was invited to testify in the Senate Judiciary Committee on privacy law.

Kashmir aligned with India under certain conditions. Article 35A is part and parcel of this relationship.

The particular article ought in my opinion to be treated with absolute contempt. It is too vile to touch.

Every article I've read about myself always winds up concluding that I am not, in fact, completely stupid.

As the producers of 'Unplanned' learned, there is no article of faith so central to Hollywood as abortion.

Many an article that I myself penned twenty years ago impresses me now as something quite foreign to myself.

Parliament must do a better job at holding the Government to account than it managed in the Article 50 debates.

A quotation in a speech, article or book is like a rifle in the hands of an infantryman. It speaks with authority.

I like to read the news, but when I pull up a Japanese site, and an article comes up with my face, I never read it.

I wrote an article for 'The American Conservative' about a new trend of conservative hipsters. I did it for a laugh.

Any article's good. Long as it's publicity, I think that's all that matters. I think it's advancement for my career.

I gotta say - if I clicked on a movie interview, and the first part was all about Walt Whitman, I'd love that article.

Theresa May's decision to call an unnecessary general election after Article 50 was triggered was deeply irresponsible.

The term 'plus size' is so inaccurate. I'm not plus size; I have never bought an article of clothing that was plus size.

A stale article, if you dip it in a good, warm, sunny smile, will go off better than a fresh one that you've scowled upon.

From time to time, just about every 'Vanity Fair' writer has a chance to sell rights to an article or a book to Hollywood.

I try to read as much as I can. I try to read an informative article every day. I try to stay read up on our world issues.

You know the value of every article of merchandise, but if you don't know the value of your own soul, it's all foolishness.

Of moral purpose I see no trace in Nature. That is an article of exclusively human manufacture and very much to our credit.

'Beasts of No Nation' began when I read an article about child soldiers in Sierra Leone during my final year of high school.

There was an article about me once, and the first line was, 'It's good to be a gangster.' Well, I'm not a gangster. I'm an actor.

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