Motherhood was the first instance in my life where I was asked to sacrifice anything for anyone.

Once, in London, the BBC asked me what was my favorite English book. I said Alice in Wonderland.

I came to Baku the same way I would go to Texas - because they asked me to come and play hip hop.

People have asked me about doing an autobiography, but I don't think my life is that interesting.

If you asked me why I went to jail, the easiest explanation would be to say, 'Because I'm black.'

I don't think HBO would want to do anything in conjunction with Sub Pop but I never asked either.

When I was 13, I asked for a guitar. And that's how I really started explaining my point of view.

I remember in third grade, I asked my mom, 'How does an engine work?' So my mom bought me a book.

The sacrifices of friendship were beautiful in her eyes as long as she was not asked to make them.

After my father died, we faced hardship but never asked anybody for help. We were self-sufficient.

Dave Chappelle asked me to come do his show. I read the script, and I said, 'Has he lost his mind?'

People think I'm a miserable sod but it's only because I get asked such bloody miserable questions.

So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?

I was so flattered to be asked to be in the movies - the idea of being paid to act was heady stuff.

Somebody asked my friend Bob Seger, Why do you think the Eagles broke up? He said, Hotel California.

A lot of people think I'm snotty. So what? They never asked me out when I was serving cheeseburgers.

When I was asked to read a screenplay about Margaret Thatcher, I think I felt immediate apprehension.

People have always asked, 'Do you prefer comedy or drama?' And my answer is, 'Both, at the same time.'

Favorite movie of all time? I hate being asked... that's like being asked, 'What's your favorite song?'

I went into a clothing store, and the lady asked me what size I was. I said, 'Actual'. I'm not to scale.

Never answer the question that is asked of you. Answer the question that you wish had been asked of you.

I'm not smart, but I like to observe. Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why.

Someone once asked me, 'How long does it take to do your hair.' I said, 'I don't know, I'm never there.'

Someone asked me, if I were stranded on a desert island what book would I bring... 'How to Build a Boat.'

I'm often asked, 'Why didn't Benjamin Franklin ever become president?' My short, easy answer is: He died.

One interviewer asked me: 'How do you feel that you've betrayed your father?' That wasn't really very cool.

A man can sleep around, no questions asked, but if a woman makes nineteen or twenty mistakes she's a tramp.

My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said 'No, but I want a regular banana later, so... yeah.'

Somebody once asked me if I ever went up to the plate trying to hit a home run. I said, 'Sure, every time.'

You're asked, 'Do you know kung-fu?' Yeah. That's what we do. We wake up, we brush our teeth, we do kung-fu!

In a sense I've made the same film over and over again. In all of them I've asked, 'Who are we as Americans?

CIA has learned some tough lessons, especially when asked to tackle missions that fall outside our expertise.

When they asked Jack Benny to do something for the Actor's Orphanage - he shot both his parents and moved in.

When I woke up this morning my girlfriend asked me, 'Did you sleep good?' I said 'No, I made a few mistakes.'

It's tiring to be asked the same questions all day long: 'What is Gangnam style?' and 'Teach me how to dance.'

As a child, when asked what I would be, I usually said I was going to be a huntsman. A fine profession, truly!

The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer.

In my first film, I was a basketball player. Like every good actor, I lied when they asked me if I could play.

It is time we Georgians did not depend only on others, it is time we asked what Georgia will do for the world.

After we have calmly stood by and allowed monopolies to grow fat, we should not be asked to make them bloated.

Because I'm a woman, and I'm petite and blonde, you wouldn't believe how often I'm asked to model the clothes.

I couldn't have asked for a better testimonial than Bob Dylan parting with his own cash for a pair of my shoes.

Somebody once asked me, 'Melvin, how'd you get to the top?' It was simple. Nobody would let me in at the bottom.

If you lined up 10 writers and asked them to write a movie about Steve Jobs, you'd get 10 very different movies.

There are no classes in life for beginners; right away you are always asked to deal with what is most difficult.

I was naughty but never demanding. I never asked my parents for shoes or tracksuits. I was happy with what I had.

I realised how rich I had become and I asked myself, 'Do I really want to be the richest person in the cemetery?'

I've been asked, 'What was your big break?' I don't feel like I've had a big break. It's been a slow, slow break.

People have often asked if I'm gay because I don't go out of my way to spit and scratch and give people attitude.

Arsene Wenger asked me to have a trial with Arsenal when I was 17. I turned it down. Zlatan doesn't do auditions.

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