Small children and unruly people who are demanding attention.

There is meaning in all things. But are you paying attention?

Fire will attract more attention than any other cry for help.

Cats would rule the world if they had longer attention spans.

The end of life has its own nature, also worth our attention.

As a writer, putting words on the page is how I pay attention.

I try not to go crazy, but yes, I pay attention to what I eat.

I worked very hard and I earned all the attention I'm getting.

Perception is a selective act of attention and interpretation.

Nothing in medicine is so insignificant as to merit attention.

You don't get the attention of gluttons by starving anorexics.

A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world.

I was someone that loved to seek attention when I was younger.

I never want to draw attention to myself, but that's all I do.

His (Frank Sinatra) attention span was not long, shall we say.

The quality of one's life depends on the quality of attention.

Never run from anything immortal. It attracts their attention.

I act and perform in hopes of getting attention and admiration.

Don't listen to their words, fix your attention on their deeds.

Obviously we can't do what we do if no one is paying attention.

The ego is nothing other than the focus of conscious attention.

I wanted to write a story that demanded the viewer's attention.

I dislike pastiche; it attracts attention to the language only.

I'm not coping very well with all the attention, if I'm honest.

I was a tomboy and didn't pay too much attention to my clothes.

We have to try to cure our faults by attention and not by will.

If a task is worthy of our attention, it is worthy of our best.

My attention determines the depth and quality of my experience.

I never really paid attention to sales until the second record.

The education of attention would be an education par excellence

I'm lucky to have had a father [John Lennon] who paid attention.

People crave attention and appreciation more than they do bread.

Damien Sandow, he's a good entertainer. He keeps your attention.

Anything which draws attention to me because I am so attractive.

Lesson number one: Pay attention to the intrusion of the camera.

Don't allow the approval and attention of others to destroy you.

I don’t really read reviews… That’s not where my attention goes.

Attention has its most powerful expression in purposeful action.

Don't pay any attention to the critics - don't even ignore them.

Whatever we put our attention on will grow stronger in our life.

Children pay more attention to what you do than to what you say.

Too much attention on problems kills our faith in possibilities.

Too much attention and hoopla doesn't agree with my temperament.

We become what we think about. Energy flows where attention goes.

We are all humans and all deserve the same respect and attention.

In the first place, you must pay great attention to the key note.

Always say no pun intended to draw attention to the intended pun.

People pay more attention when they think you’re up to something.

Making money is pretty pointless and it needs constant attention.

Attention! Attention! Attention! Thou art aware of the situation!

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