I get so much backlash in Hollywood.

There's backlash about everything I do.

You have to be able to swim in backlash.

Everything I say, I expect backlash from it.

I know how nasty backlash can be on the Internet.

I never receive backlash for my comments. I receive praise.

I never had any backlash from the model-turned-actor thing.

Each generation has a backlash against the generation before.

There's a backlash against womyn that's really bad right now.

I'm the one who will take chances, not worry about the backlash.

Any time you do something - a protest - you know there's going to be backlash.

A lot of it is backlash against all this political correctness that's going on.

To forget that the EPA was borne out of public demand is to invite a real backlash.

There's always a backlash when you challenge people's convictions and their heroes.

Anytime you're the first to speak out against something, there's going to be a backlash.

So we're living by that sword, and we're going to cut every now and then from it's backlash.

The cool thing about the Internet is that it's allowing women more access to their own history.

There is a backlash against me and everyone who has done buildings that have movement and feeling.

When I did the cover of 'Cosmo International,' Turkey picked it up and I got a lot of backlash for it.

I get a lot of backlash for wearing designers that I feel are creators and artists. I get it all the time.

Watching the progression and backlash against feminism even since 1970 will give you a serious case of whiplash.

I know how to swim through backlash. I can tread water through backlash... If anything, that's all giving me power.

When women criticized men, I called it 'insight'... When men criticized women, I called it 'sexism' and 'backlash.'

There was a backlash against elites, a backlash against those who were telling Americans what is important to them.

We're very aware that you cannot please everybody and that there's going to be backlash. There will always be backlash.

The backlash against Big Government is an encouraging sign of a growing resistance to the mission creep of federal power.

I find that, often, when I tell people what pronoun I use, I don't get a lot of backlash. I'm really lucky in that respect.

When I kiss a girl for a part, people think it's sexy. But if two guys kiss, suddenly there's a backlash. It's a double standard.

Global interdependence today means that economic disasters in developing countries could create a backlash on developed countries.

Women have become stronger, and there's a backlash. Men have become terribly possessive. I find it much easier to get on with women.

When you're out there talking about your faith and what you believe in, you'll face some backlash. But mostly, I've received support.

There's always a backlash in everything that you do, but it's not going to stop or change anything. And it's not only an issue in Hollywood.

Iraq lacks leaders capable of soothing sectarian wounds, and Western attempts to pick them or force their hand invite anti-imperialist backlash.

When 'The Hummingbird's Daughter' came out, there was a certain backlash - 'Well, this isn't 'The Devil's Highway.'' That's just the way it goes.

CGI has a lot of backlash now. I think it's just because there are so many people doing it. It's a tool and it's only as good as the people behind it.

I'm not afraid to tell people what I hope to accomplish and what I believe I'm capable of. I'm ready to take the backlash if I don't accomplish my dreams.

When contrarian voices are elevated to publications once viewed as places where contending ideas shared space, organized online backlash is now inevitable.

Even of if a certain backlash is unavoidable, we must make the most of the momentous chance with which history has presented us so swiftly and so unexpectedly.

There's no doubt that there's a public backlash against the way campaign money is raised, but I don't think the only alternative is to elect people with money.

Yeah, I kind of looked around and I can't understand why nobody else is speaking up. Later when I faced the backlash of speaking up, I realized why nobody did.

In my humble opinion, preserving racial purity isn't a worthwhile goal. You should be able to date whomever, whenever, wherever without the threat of a backlash.

You could have given me, like, Backlash, but WrestleMania, I get to tag with the love of my life, like, a memory we're going to have forever? It's been incredible.

Since governmental quotas expand bureaucratic power, provoke a backlash and are unfair to individuals, we need to find a better way to increase minority opportunities.

Whether it is tribalism, racism, xenophobia, or anti-Muslim backlash we're talking about, we spend so much time and energy fighting ways to divide ourselves from others.

Obviously there will be a backlash. If you believe the hype you have to believe a backlash too. Any criticism we get, is always stuff we've already criticised ourselves.

From day one, we've always gotten backlash for certain outlandish ideas that we've had and presented. That's also kind of been the driving force that's pushed us forward.

The Republican Party - that was the end of the Republican Party. What Pete Wilson did with the xenophobia and the negative attitude, all this sort of anti-crime backlash.

People always think that history proceeds in a straight line. It doesn't. Social attitudes don't change in a straight line. There's always a backlash against progressive ideas.

Once I started selling scripts for a great deal of money - action scripts, no less, which people tend to pooh-pooh anyway - then I started to get some backlash. Which I didn't mind.

When 'Destroyer' was first released, we got a strong backlash from our hardcore fans. After six months, the album was dead in the water. The critics didn't think much of it, either.

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