Going beyond one's backyard grants one perspective.

I poop in the backyard... I wear disposable diapers.

Small steps taken by many people in their backyards add up.

I skied on Astroturf and PVC pipe on the slope in my backyard.

Don't be afraid to challenge the pros, even in their own backyard.

The world of your photography is limitless-just like your backyard.

Why so scrawny, cat? Starving for fat fish or mice... Or backyard love?

I put Algernon's body in a cheese box and buried him in the backyard. I cried.

Nature poets can't walk across the backyard without tripping over an epiphany.

I was a part of Backyard Soccer, and I hear that I score a lot of goals in it.

I'll fight somebody in my backyard for free, just to see if I'm better than him.

My backyard was replete with madness, it just grew indigenously in South Florida.

I have a garden in my backyard that's completely organic, which I'm very proud of.

That optimist of yours is always ready to turn hell's backyard into a play-ground.

My parents moved to Florida when I was 12, and my backyard was the Gulf of Mexico.

There is nothing quite so delightfully mysterious as a secret in your own backyard.

Anytime a person has Disney World in their backyard, you know they're thinking big.

I want to build a studio in my backyard. The interest rates are low now, so who knows

I grew up playing music and enjoying good food, friends and family in my own backyard.

I wouldn't support Limp Bizkit being on some snuff backyard brawling, fighting contest.

I'm out there having as good a time as I did in the backyard since I was five-years-old.

The best thing about being a statistician is that you get to play in everyone's backyard.

At my home in the southwest of France, I grow oak, hazel, and lemon trees in my backyard.

If you [c]annot find your [h]eart's desire in your own backyard, you never lost it to begin with

My dad never pushed me but the big thing is that he helped me by going out in the backyard and playing with me.

Clean up your own backyard. Change by example. Just be the way you want others to be and hope they pay attention.

The solar system should be viewed as our backyard, not as some sequence of destinations that we do one at a time.

Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in yonder seas; they are in your own backyard, if you but dig for them.

And still she felt more confident at the prospect of taking on the Russian Mafia than she did attending a backyard barbecue.

Outside, a gusty October breeze was combing leaves from the trees and sending them across her backyard in colorful skitters.

When the homebrewers stop entering the profession, and the backyard breweries are squeezed out, then it will become stagnant.

We must go out into a desert of some kind (your backyard will do) and come into a personal experience of the awesome love of God.

I have said my philosophy - I'm a backyard philosopher, I guess - is that the dirtiest word in the English language is "retirement."

You can journey to the ends of the earth in search of success, but if you’re lucky, you will discover happiness in your own backyard.

Goodness is not in the backyard of the individual nor in the open field of the collective; goodness flowers only in freedom from both.

The Australian backyard was once built for tradesmen and outdoor toilets. As suburbs spread, it became a playground and source of pride.

I think 'Gasland' is the doorway for a lot of people to see something happening in their backyard and realize the national and global implications.

My biggest fear is that a paparazzi or someone ... is going to come in my backyard and see me when I get in my pool. That would be very unfortunate.

I wonder why no one called the police about the rocket launcher? God knows my neighbors usually report it if I so much as fart in my backyard. (Bubba)

The sarin gas is a very primitive gas. You can have it done in the backyard of a house ; it's a very primitive gas. So, it's not something complicated.

I started writing because I decided I was too old to play pretend in the backyard. Then I found that I could create those imaginary worlds on the page.

I'm sort of an old man, always tinkering in the backyard. Since I grew up playing outdoors, I still like to plant things, sit out on the deck, or go hiking.

I got my first tennis racket on my seventh birthday. And because we had a tennis court in our backyard, I played every day. By ten I was playing competitively.

All I'd have to do then was roll with the consequences of inviting dewinged, fanged fairies into Trent's backyard. God, they were savage looking. Served him right.

Backyards are as Australian as the Hills Hoists they host, and as individual as those who work and play in them. Whether haven, pantry or playground, they all tell a story.

If our culture is to be transformed, it will happen from the bottom up - from ordinary believers practicing apologetics over the backyard fence or around the barbecue grill.

With Die Hard it was just something that I, you know, I grew up with those movies. I made a Die Hard movie with my friends in my backyard during high school. It was terrible.

When sociobiologists start shitting in their backyards with dinner guests in the vicinity, maybe their arguments about innateness over culture will start seeming more persuasive.

In the photographs themselves there's a definite contrast between the figures and the location - I like that kind of California backyard look; clapboard houses, staircases outdoors.

In the Church, when we talk about 'the world', we often create an us and them situation and end up planting the seeds of all that we feel wrong with the world in the soil of our own backyard.

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