I like being a leader in real life.

We don't think about women being leaders.

I've put a lot of thought into being a leader.

Somebody has to take responsibility for being a leader.

Being a leader doesn't mean you are the guy who runs things.

The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.

Having your teammates' backs - that's what I feel being a leader is.

I'm very proud of Arizona as being a leader. They're tired of being a victim.

Being charismatic doesn't make you a leader. Being a leader makes you charismatic.

Part of being a leader means knowing who you can go after and who you should pat on the butt.

I never thought in terms of being a leader. I thought very simply in terms of helping people.

I'm a shepherd, not a sheep, and I've always prided myself on being a leader and not a follower.

That's part of being a leader, being the guy that people look to and making everybody around you better.

Anyway, I've never been captain in 16 years in the NHL. But that didn't stop me being a leader in my own way.

It's part of my role to push the guys around me to be the best they can be. I think that's part of being a leader.

A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others do." (Leroy Eims)

I learnt about being physically fit, captaincy, and the things that really matter when it comes to being a leader and a batsman.

My life path number is 7. One of the qualities is leadership. If I'm not being a leader, I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

I want to speak up and tell you that mascara and clothes don't make you cool, neither do name-brand handbags, but being a leader can.

It is the solemn obligation of a leader always to be a leader. Even when - perhaps especially when - you don't feel like being a leader.

Being a leader gives you charisma. If you look and study the leaders who have succeeded, that's where charisma comes from, from the leading.

That's the true meaning of being a leader: being able to deal with the consequences and take the responsibility for it. That's who I want to be.

Being a leader doesn't mean you created something or you did something great in the past or some other person has given you any kind of authority.

The decisions you make affect a lot of people. You have investors, employees, and customers who all rely on you. Being a leader is a 24-hour-a-day job.

There are leaders vocally, and there are leaders by example. I think I'm starting to become better at being a leader vocally, just talking on the court.

Being a leader for me is about having the courage to speak the truth, and live the truth, despite attempts to silence our thoughts, feelings, and past experiences.

I'm really thankful and complimented when people come to me and say, thank you for the great times for all these years. But I don't think about it as being a leader.

Whether it is with friends or family, I expect them to set a great example for me, and hopefully I will do the same for them. And that is all part of being a leader.

Women often are so focused on getting their jobs done well that they forget that building relationships is a key part of being a leader - and increasingly so, the higher you go.

Being a leader requires being confident enough in your own decisions and those of your team to own them when they fail. The very best leaders take the blame but share the credit.

My celebrity status allows me an opportunity, allows me a pulpit to preach and reach out to the people. Not even always preaching but just leading, motivating them by being a leader.

The hardest thing about being a leader is demonstrating or showing vulnerability... When the leader demonstrates vulnerability and sensibility and brings people together, the team wins.

I loved multi-tasking. I loved being involved in a lot of things. To me, the more complex the better, and so being a leader of a business to me was like, 'Wow, that's what I want to be.'

It is definitely what my aim is to get everyone to do their part and take on that responsibility of being a leader - whether you are playing or on the bench or if you have not made the team.

The patriotism in Britain comes from us being a leader. On jobs, on tax havens, on workers' rights, on the environment. We can be leading Europe... and it will be to the benefit of every British citizen.

I think I have been able to slow down a little bit and really work on different things... I think I improved on being a leader on the court. Controlling the game, controlling the pace... that is where I have grown.

Back in the day, what motivated me was overcoming myself. Now I believe in being a leader. I've done it all - I'm good. Now, it's about setting an example for others to follow. I can't just talk it - I have to live it.

Anyone who ends up being a leader of a large complicated organization, whether you're a male or a female, you're working an immense amount of hours, and you can't do everything. You can't have complete work/life balance.

A lot of people just think I'm a big man, but I'm a basketball player. I am able to do everything that a basketball player can do - from playmaking and scoring to just passing the ball and just being a leader and post presence.

I love holding myself accountable and being held accountable by my teammates. It's never easy, but it comes with the role of being a leader, and if your leadership is not up to par, then the team won't be willing to work as hard.

To come and turn the TV on and see Black Lightning trying to make a change and being a leader and stepping up, I hope that it inspires people within their own communities to try to make a change and to walk in their own superhero.

And as far as being a leader, I've always kind of been a bit of a quiet leader for the most part and tend to just lead by work ethic and example and those types of things and just be a good teammate and try to love everyone the same way.

Throughout my life and career, I have continually been impressed with the importance of integrity - whether it was growing up as a Boy Scout, working in one of my first jobs as a university janitor, or being a leader in a Fortune 500 company.

Leadership is possible in all different ways, and in all different areas of life. Whether it is with friends or family, I expect them to set a great example for me, and hopefully I will do the same for them. And that is all part of being a leader.

People say I'm a natural leader, but I just go out there and do my job and do whatever it takes to win; that's what comes with being a leader, those are the sort of things I've done as I've tried to grow into a leader and I'm just going to continue to do them.

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