When it comes to making love, I may not be the best, but I'm damn gouda.

Success in spiritual life lies not in being the Best, but doing the Best.

We have today and hopefully tomorrow to be the best version of ourselves.

The shortness of life, so often lamented, may be the best thing about it.

You don't want to be the best at what you do, you want to be the only one.

If you want to be the best salesperson, first you must be the best person.

Good looks only take you so far. You don't have to be the best looking guy.

The entrepreneur must be the best salesperson and marketer in his business.

Put your name on something, it better be the best... you only get one shot.

With practice you can get to be the best within your biological constraints.

There's a lot of spotlight that comes along with being the best in the world.

Now that I'm here, all I wanna do is get better. I wanna be the best I can be.

A lot of things drive me. What it comes down to is that I want to be the best.

You can't be without passion. Passion means the possessiveness to be the best.

I wanted to be the best actor possible. I worked very hard at the craft of it.

Being a famous print journalist is like being the best-dressed woman on radio.

Don't be the best in town. Just try to be the best until the best come around.

I want to be the best, it's not about the ranking, it's about being consistent.

You don't have to live up to anyone's expectations, just be the best you can be

Every day is a reminder of what I need to do to be the best person; the best me.

A high performer is someone who says, 'I want to be the best at what I'm doing.'

I loved being the best player in the world. There was no pressure staying there.

You will make a lousy anybody else, but you will be the best "you" in existence.

To me, being the best means proving it in different countries and championships.

A good husband be the best sort of plaster for to cure a young woman's ailments.

Be the best at what you do. Get to know more about your field than anybody alive.

I did learn that there's a bigger picture than just being the best at your sport.

Instead of looking for love, let it happen by being the best you that you can be.

I've made a few nice dishes in my time, but this must be the best I've ever made.

If it's true you learn from your mistakes, Jim Frey will be the best manager ever

I hoped that the trip would be the best of all journeys: a journey into ourselves.

If one could drown in the grass, thought Elphie, that might be the best way to die.

Just live every day like it's your last day and be the best person that you can be.

I'm going to do everything I can to be the best president I can be for all America.

I've always been a player and a person who wanted to be the best at whatever he did.

I always said I wanted to be the best at what I could do. I feel like I can improve.

You don't have to be the best at something. You just have to be the most determined.

What I love about my husband is that he really allows me to be the best person I can.

I consider the decision of my colleagues and friends to be the best birthday present.

Guys, fellas! You'll lose your wife trying to stop them from being the best they can.

I try to be the best I can be at what I can do, and that’s playing hard & rebounding.

The challenge to be the best is what drives me and to just improve my body every day.

It may be the best that Hillary Clinton can do, but it's not the best America can do.

Always define your area of excellence. Establish the area where you will be the best.

I'm gonna forget all the negative press and focus on being the best version of myself.

If you are passionate about something, that will enable you to be the best you can be.

Develop the business around the people; build it, don't buy it; and, then, be the best.

I always tried to do the best. I knew I couldn't always be the best, but I tried to be.

I have a much greater ambition to be the best racket player than the best prose writer.

If you just focus on getting better, and not being the best, you have such a good time.

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