I'm so sick of Betty White.

Betty White jokes are just not for me.

Betty White is probably a very nice woman.

'Ugly Betty' taught me everything about fashion.

I was never the glamorous type like Betty Grable.

I never try to avoid 'Ugly Betty' fans, as I love them.

I was very entertained by Betty Grable and Judy Garland.

I'll tell you, I'm loving everything Betty White's doing. She's 90!

Has there ever been anybody, real or fictional, whiter than Betty Crocker?

Betty White is so old that on her first game show ever, the prize was fire.

It was Jimi Hendrix that I first got into when Betty Mabry turned me on to him.

Oh my God, Betty White is actually everything that you would expect her to be like.

I'm not so much surprised by the success of 'Ugly Betty' as I am feeling so blessed by it.

I say to myself: 'Come on, Betty, you can't have everything in life. You've been very lucky.'

I was in the original cast of 'Sunset Boulevard.' I played Betty. But I wasn't on the cast album.

I'm sure there's somebody out there who doesn't like Betty White because she's short and has white hair.

I always wanted to work with Betty White, because she is one of my heroes of all time, and I just love her.

If I learned anything from Betty coming into my life, it's to just be open to all the things that come along.

I knew him, but never felt that I got really close to Saint Laurent. But who really did? Betty Catroux, maybe.

I admire the older ladies who carry on working. Look at Betty Driver on 'Coronation Street' - she's incredible.

I met Betty Moore when she entered Mitchell High School as a freshman, and that was it - period, exclamation point!

I've picked up a lot of fans from doing 'Ugly Betty': a lot of teenagers who didn't even know I had a singing career.

When I would read the 'Archie' comics when I was younger, I was rooting for Betty and Archie way over any alternative.

Most female characters have either been the temptress - like a Betty Boop type - or the victim - like an Olive Oil type.

If we were writing what the fans wanted to see, Betty and Jughead would be the most linear, monotonous narrative of all time.

I'm pretty sure that changing diapers of all sizes isn't the kind of women's work Betty Friedan had in mind, nor Linda Hirshman.

Betty Ford and I were colleagues for years, working together for women's rights in Washington, D.C., and elsewhere in the country.

There's a studio formula of making a movie that Betty White fans and Ice Cube fans are going to love, so it's a really broad brush.

'The Feminine Mystique' goads me to gratitude that, thanks to forerunners like Betty Friedan, I've had the opportunity to pursue a career.

I had a very feminist mother who exposed me not only to Planned Parenthood - my first job - but also to Betty Friedan and Colette and Naomi Wolf.

I wasn't the first choice for the role of Danny Tanner. Betty White was. Not true, but there was another actor whom they had shot the pilot with.

A lot of the stuff that I do with Betty is in the eyes. A lot of the feelings that I evoke with her are unspoken, so that's been fun to play with.

Being first lady is a full-time job. Betty Ford worked full time and should have received a salary. Michelle Obama works full time and should be paid.

I can taste a meal and tell you every spice that's in there. I have taste buds like Betty Grable's legs - they should be insured with Lloyd's of London.

My grandmother, Betty Bertha Bright, lived in the Armenian block in Kolkata. After '36 Chowringhee Lane,' we haven't seen that part of the city in films.

I phoned my grandparents and my grandfather said 'We saw your movie.' 'Which one?' I said. He shouted 'Betty, what was the name of that movie I didn't like?

Ugly Betty' has definitely helped me cope with issues I would have never been able to cope with if I wasn't a part of a show that has such unique characters.

Growing up, I loved looking at the photos in my mother's old Betty Crocker cookbook: the chocolate cakes, the cookie house, even the cheese balls and fondues.

I had read the 'Wonder Woman' comic books when I was a child; I was much more interested in those than I was in 'Betty and Veronica,' even though I liked those as well.

'Ugly Betty' has opened my eyes to the world of fashion journalism - I'm looking forward to going to college for that. Until then, I don't know. Will I appear on 'Glee?'

I remember liking Betty White a lot. It was one of those things as a little child actress, you get inspired by experienced actresses and actresses that reach out to you.

Your good friend has just taken a piece of cake out of the garbage and eaten it. You will probably need this information when you check me into the Betty Crocker Clinic.

'Ugly Betty' has been four years of my life, important adolescent years. I think that all I've really known was getting pampered and interviewed and getting my picture taken.

I certainly know that this relationship could not have continued the way it did, when I was at the Pentagon and the president was obviously at the White House, without Betty.

I was making myself a hotdog and pulling some curly fries out of the oven, and I got the call from manager, and she said, 'You got it. You're Betty Cooper.' It felt so unreal.

I remember telling Mom, 'I can't go to the Betty Ford Center. That's like going to the high school where your mom is the principal.' But maybe I could have gotten the family rate.

I could have made a lot of money doing 'Golden Girls,' and I would have been good. But the image of it! And for me to work with Betty White every day would be like taking cyanide.

I came from a small town in Pennsylvania - where 'style' was whatever was new at the Gap. Being on 'Ugly Betty' at such a crucial time in my life sparked my love for the industry.

When I read the 'Ugly Betty' pilot, I thought, 'Oh, this part's funny.' I said to my husband, 'I'm going to get it!' But based on what? All my exquisite comedic work in a Nike commercial?

Ava DuVernay, Sheryl Crow, Diane von Furstenberg, Ashley Graham, Tracy Reese, Pat Benatar, Issa Rae, Betty White - they've all shattered glass ceilings, whether in music, fashion, or film.

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