And no, we don't know where it will lead. We just know there's something much bigger than any of us here.

If you don't get out of the box you've been raised in, you won't understand how much bigger the world is.

Every problem comes along with it's solution; the bigger the problem, the bigger the testimony. Cheer up!

But it's a big ocean. It's an even bigger world. And maybe we've gotten as close as we're supposed to get.

I always thought the point was to have a bigger life, to meet more people. So I don't understand Hollywood

There is no value with just one restaurant or with one person. The brand has to be bigger than the person.

There's always someone that's dealing with a bigger challenge than you are. You've gotta have perspective.

There are lots of risks, but without risks, there's no reward. I think the reward is bigger than the risk.

I think that power comes in numbers, and we're in an industry where the actors need to have a bigger voice.

I just focus on taking a deep breath, staying calm, and not trying to make the situation bigger than it is.

The names are bigger, the show is worldwide, but I get a royal pass into life in the broadcasting business.

Television in itself is a very big platform, and movies are even bigger. So we cannot compare both of them.

I always thought the point was to have a bigger life, to meet more people. So I don't understand Hollywood.

My daughter is in more competition with me. I never wanted to be bigger than my mother or to challenge her.

If I have a huge audience, I'd like a bigger audience; maybe slightly a slightly more illustrious audience.

Some records are going to be bigger than others. You're always going to be compared to your biggest record.

You must always have great, secret, big fat hopes for yourself in love and in life. The bigger, the better.

A lot of the times when I've auditioned for parts in America, the answer is, 'Sorry, we need a bigger name.'

Innovation accelerates and compounds. Each point in front of you is bigger than anything that ever happened.

Global markets have a much bigger effect on prices and wages in the U.S. and elsewhere than they did before.

Playing in front of a bigger crowd is such a fun feeling, and getting to play to more kids is always better.

There's no success story. Everybody's got a ghetto story. You always want to make it bigger than what it is.

My father always said, 'Never trust anyone whose TV is bigger than their book shelf' - so I make sure I read.

I think when people are abusing drugs it is probably a symptom of a bigger problem that they need to address.

The team will always be bigger than any one owner, or any one player, or one coach. The team is always first.

I prefer to fight a bigger guy. I don't like fighting smaller guys; they give me problems with their agility.

I'm going to be 58, and I'm a woman. In this business, that seems to be a bigger crime than being mentally ill

Dare to be what your best self knows you ought to be; dare to be a bigger human being than you have ever been.

I like to hear from my readers, and I like to feel like I'm part of a bigger community of readers and writers.

I'm reading a book, because I'm brainy. No, it is a book - if you don't know, it is like a blog except bigger.

We have to be part of something larger than ourselves, because our dreams are often bigger than our lifetimes.

Climate change remains the biggest threat to our civilisation, economy and security - even bigger than Brexit.

Now Daddy is part of God. I guess when you die you become much more bigger, because you're part of everything.

You want to be a part of something that is going to change history or make history or be bigger than yourself.

Marijuana is a much bigger part of the American addiction problem than most people - teens or adults - realize.

Writing sketches, you're also learning about a journey and characters, and you translate that to bigger things.

Is my strike zone bigger than others? Yeah. It might be bigger than others, but I don't have a problem with it.

I'm going to be 58, and I'm a woman. In this business, that seems to be a bigger crime than being mentally ill.

I secured Big Jam through my buzz in the city. My name got bigger and bigger throughout my 1st year of rapping.

Baseball's future? Bigger and bigger, better and better! No question about it, it's the greatest game there is!

I sincerely believe that no problem is bigger than man, and problems are blown out of proportion by man himself.

To improve teams like Newcastle, if you do the right things, it is enough to be stronger and bigger and compete.

I think, primarily, acting is like working out a muscle; the more you get to do it, the bigger that muscle gets.

People would always say to me, "Why are you wearing such large frames?" And I would say, "The bigger to see you."

She refused to accept the simple truism that the better you were, the bigger threat you were to those at the top.

My dad liked to boil a squirrel head and suck the brains out the nose. Smaller than a chicken, bigger than a rat.

I would love to do anything from a really gritty, interesting, indie type film, to that commercial, bigger stuff.

There's a bigger percentage of good cops than bad cops. But the bad cops should be penalised like regular people.

I want my music to be treated as a book or a movie. It's not about the one single: it's about the bigger picture.

Usha had said that males were not all that different, just bigger outside to make up for what they lacked within.

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