If you want bigger arms, target the triceps, not the biceps.

The bigger you get, the more pressure you have to deal with.

If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy I could've won.

Doom 2 is just such a bigger, badder, better version of Doom

Don't allow any set back to become bigger than your come back

Journalists are bigger terrorists than terrorists themselves.

The universe is a space bigger than all of us we are part of.

When your arms are bigger than your head, something is wrong.

The will of God is always a bigger thing than we bargain for.

Ideas don't get smaller when they're shared, they get bigger.

All our rights are gradually eroded as government gets bigger.

If you want to get richer quicker, then solve bigger problems!

So, you need to balance it out with bigger and smaller movies.

I got a bit enamoured with bigger houses and things like that.

Webcomics are much bigger than any one scene can circumscribe.

If you don't think about or deal with an issue, it gets bigger.

I don't think there is anybody bigger or smaller than Maradona.

When people see you on the screen, you become bigger than life.

The satiric ethos of Mad was a much bigger childhood influence.

Love measures our stature: the more we love, the bigger we are.

The power of light is always bigger than the power of darkness.

Pravin Tambe is bigger inspiration than me for young cricketers

I want my world to get bigger and not end up in a small corner.

Seeing the bigger picture opens your eyes to what is the truth.

The bigger you build the bonfire, the more darkness is revealed.

There's always going to be someone with a bigger toy than yours.

I think that life in Israel is sometimes bigger than the movies.

Just because your ratings are bigger doesn't mean you're better.

Bigger than life is not difficult for me. I am bigger than life.

I hope our hopes and aspirations are bigger than setting records.

With each dream accomplished, bigger ones are put in their place.

I always felt like something bigger was waiting for me out there.

I think the play actually became bigger than me. No pun intended.

...whatever you're worried about, you're bigger than the worries.

Have a belief in yourself that is bigger than anyone's disbelief.

The bigger confrontation is the one an individual has with itself.

There were no bigger stars in the new evangelism than the Bakkers.

Hip-hop is bigger than the South; hip-hop is bigger than New York.

However big the fool, there is always a bigger fool to admire him.

We need a bigger estimation of God and a smaller estimation of sin.

Stories can conquer fear, you know. They can make the heart bigger.

The feeling is that Fidel Castro's much bigger than he actually is.

The Manchester Derby is bigger and more important than El Classico.

I'm a thousand times bigger on the inside than I am on the outside.

We're bigger now than we were in the late 70s when we were peaking.

Remain open. There is something bigger than you know going on here.

We're feeding all these zoos. And that's getting bigger and bigger.

Courage results when one's convictions are bigger than one's fears.

There's no bigger task than protecting the homeland of our country.

I wear a lot of wigs and stuff on stage to make my hair look bigger.

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