The biggest problem is my back.

My biggest problem is overconfidence.

America's biggest problem is too much freedom.

That's the biggest problem, is the tax code itself.

My biggest problem is retaining the exact information.

How to use your leisure time is the biggest problem of a ballplayer.

If my biggest problem in life was to be healthy, I'd be incredibly bored.

The biggest problem was the politicians knew nothing about fighting a war.

The biggest problem we have is not Ebola, it's not AIDS, it's electro smog.

I fall into the camp that income inequality is the biggest problem we face.

Everybody tends to think I'm crazy, which is the biggest problem in my life.

I think the biggest problem of the 21st century is how to deal with minorities.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.

The biggest problem with the deficit is programs that are unconstitutional and wasteful.

Probably the biggest problem I had was I didn't understand the importance of scheduling.

My biggest problem will be lack of match toughness but I am a positive, optimistic person.

The biggest problem with every art is by the use of appearance to create a loftier reality.

The biggest problem that we have on the face of the planet is Iran getting a nuclear weapon.

The biggest problem in America is most people believe poor people are poor because they are lazy.

I do have some young coaches, but I don't really believe that is the biggest problem we have here.

I remember so clearly as a kid, my biggest problem in life was I used to never follow up on anything.

I have opinions on everything. I'm a stubborn old mule. The biggest problem is keeping my mouth shut.

The biggest problem has been exhaustion. I've spent about 6 of the last 14 years completely bedridden.

Perhaps the biggest problem in journalism is the cult divide between journalists and corporate owners.

I failed first grade, which is my biggest problem. You always feel like a failure, like you're stupid.

The biggest problem is people are afraid of poetry, think they can't understand it or that it will be boring.

The biggest problem is when a player asks a captain why he is not playing but does not want an honest answer.

My biggest problem with everything going on is the lack of understanding and the lack of respect in this world.

I think Facebook's biggest problem is the glut of information that Facebook's power users are overwhelmed with.

The biggest problem almost all comics face is not piracy or demographics or any of that nonsense: it's obscurity.

I'd say it's been my biggest problem all my life... it's money. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true.

The biggest problem I have in journalism is being quoted or misquoted and then being asked to defend something I haven't said.

I do think the biggest problem newspapers have is loss of trust, and I feel that's a result of failure to speak truth to power.

The biggest problem for people who get really, really nervous when they perform live is that you think everybody's looking at you.

The biggest problem for me was feeling that as I became more balanced and a better man that I wouldn't have the fire to create from.

I think that religion is incredibly cruel, and I think that my biggest problem with being vegetarian, usually, is other vegetarians.

I think my biggest problem was, as a celebrity on a TV show, you get an inflated ego and you think you're the center of the universe.

When writing fantastical literature, your biggest problem is getting your audience to believe the fantastical elements of your story.

I think the biggest problem in clinical trials is that they are underpowered. And that fundamentally, the studies are just too small.

The biggest problem with dyslexic kids is not the perceptual problem, it is their perception of themselves. That was my biggest problem.

My biggest problem when I was younger was trying to balance my ability with what the team needed me to do to officially run the offense.

The biggest problem is startups in search of a problem. Chase what you're passionate about; you'll probably already have knowledge in the space.

My biggest problem in my life is I'm cheap and I didn't hire a publicist. In every awkward interview, normally actors get these things scripted.

I think the biggest problem in the world is that we have a generation of young people, and maybe two, who don't think it's going to get any better.

The biggest problem of all is that it's very difficult to tell my daughter, 'Swearing is not clever or funny,' because I earn a living by swearing.

Today the biggest problem in caring for those with AIDS is no longer mainly a medical or scientific problem. The crisis is access to affordable drugs.

Sometimes the biggest problem is in your head. You've got to believe you can play a shot instead of wondering where your next bad shot is coming from.

I'm my biggest problem; I'm the thing that stops me most from doing what I need to do to be successful or to achieve success in whatever area of life.

Most people don't know how to take compliments. That's the biggest problem in America - we're hesitant to give compliments and embarrassed at getting them.

The biggest problem I have doing my acting is having to interact with other people. I think if it wasn't for my wife and my kids, I'd probably be a hermit.

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