I'm big into mountain biking.

My favorite off the court workout would be biking.

I love being outdoors - hiking, biking, and swimming.

I'm a huge camper, and love hiking and mountain biking.

Biking and photography are a perfect combination for me.

I don't really go mountain biking per se, like a proper sport.

If biking is your passion, set aside time to enjoy a good ride.

I don't like Las Vegas. I'd rather be mountain biking or climbing.

We find in biking the fullfilment of an antique instinct: vagabondage

My culinary wardrobe is the same as my biking wardrobe, just no shoes.

Whether running, biking, swimming, or dancing, I just like to always be on the move.

In my day-to-day, I do a bit of yoga, I go biking, I read, I watch shows, I go to music concerts.

My sport is biking. I'm not much of a gym person, but I like being outside - hiking, canoeing, camping.

No matter how much cardio you do - running or biking or whatever - it's never the same as being in the ring.

Biking takes so much time. You need three hours to get in a good ride. In one hour, you can get in a good run.

I used a bike in London and that's it. I learnt a lot about biking, and really got into. Now I cycle regularly.

When you're turning the crankset, you're riding the bike. When you're coasting, you're just along for the ride.

I like to be close to water and the ocean, particularly. I love to get out and body surf. I like mountain biking, too.

I realized I was never going to be Lance Armstrong. And in biking, if you want to make money, you have to be the best.

My hobbies are mountain biking, horseback riding and packing, canoeing and kayaking, hiking, camping, cooking, and skiing.

If the constellations had been named in the twentieth century, I suppose we would see bicycles and refrigerators in the sky.

When I'm not running, I cycle about 30 miles a day. I use the biking as cross training. I'm kind of a maniac. I race everybody.

I try and find fun activities like mountain biking, hiking, or water sports for a workout rather than pushing weight in the gym.

I started to run marathons and got into road biking in Los Angeles. It was a lot of fun and I managed to get into the shape of my life.

From Enve Composites to Bluehouse Skis, Utah companies are making breakthrough products for biking, winter sports, water sports and more.

Everyone is an athlete. You want to go hiking, you want to go biking, you want to go jogging or for a walk? You're automatically an athlete.

I love going to the movies, whitewater rafting in the summer when I am home in Idaho, biking in the summer in Idaho, paddle boarding in the summer.

Anything that's outdoorsy and fun, like hiking, biking, running, paddleboarding, swimming in the ocean... and then I'll mix in Pilates, yoga, spin, ballet.

I like to go hiking. I like to go rappelling, swimming, biking. I go boogie-boarding. I collect Hot Wheels. I collect glass. I collect coins. And I collect cards.

I wanted to merge two worlds that were very important to me. Being able to raise money for Dropping Dimes through the sale of custom biking kits was the perfect plan.

A lot of the biking sequences in the beginning, like going down the steps and over the ramp, I of course didn't do any of that stuff. I wish I could have but I didn't.

Urban mobility is a massive global challenge. The world needs people to use multiple forms of transport - a mix of biking, walking, and other low-energy forms of transportation.

For me, it's like biking around the neighborhood, the walks and stuff, because I have never enjoyed the gym. Or I'll do, since I used to dance a lot, all the old dance exercises.

I love theater, going to the movies, and cooking new vegan dishes at home. I also love dancing salsa and traveling, and doing outdoor sports such as biking, hiking, and swimming.

Sports have always been a really important part of how I energize myself, as well as how I relax. I spend a lot of my spare time with my family playing tennis, biking and rollerblading.

I am pretty laid-back as a parent, but I do like a lot of activity. So I am constantly suggesting things to do that involve some physical activity: cycling, mountain biking and paddleboarding.

As a kid, I did some running but especially loved biking and swimming. I grew up on Long Island, and our mom took us all the time to the ocean, so I grew up doing open-water swimming in the Atlantic.

Mountain biking is such a very small community. I just want to put the hard work in so people don't think I'm a slacker. I want the hardcore mountain bikers to respect, 'Okay, well, he did it the right way.'

With mountain biking, it's always that constant thing, negotiating singletrack, which I like, but for a road ride that rhythm is really Buddhist. When you get a good pedal stoke, it's that thing of everything works.

Comedy is an indoors thing, so I take every opportunity to go outside. A lot of that involves finding places that are remote, or places where you can look at birds, or do mountain biking or paddle boarding or walking.

I love England though; I've been back a few times and just love it. My favorite thing to do there is going to museums and all the castles. Oh, and my husband and I went mountain biking across England on our honeymoon!

Toronto is exploding with cyclists, with more and more people wanting to cycle and being turned off driving because of the incredible congestion. Biking is a much more efficient way of getting around, and you get there faster.

Cycling keeps me lean and I need to stay in shape, especially as I still like eating chocolate and ice-cream! I like to go mountain biking too. Running is also good; it's what we were designed to do as humans, so it comes naturally.

For me, training is my meditation, my yoga, hiking, biking all rolled into one. Wake up early in the morning, generally around 4 o'clock, and I'll do my cardio on an empty stomach. Stretch, have a big breakfast, and then I'll go train.

I guess I am basically most comfortable when I'm alone. As a kid, I was very much a loner. I love long distance running and long distance biking. A director once pointed out that those are all very isolated exercises you do for hours at a time.

I work with a place in Santa Monica called Phase IV. My doctor recommended them to me when I started losing weight. They help people train for things like triathlons or biking and running races. They offer physical therapists, testing, lectures.

I think whenever you get out and do something different, like mountain biking or surfing, it just makes you more aware of your body and balance. For me, I've always loved anything that involved sports, so I've always just tried different things.

Facebook has stitched together your social graph. The idea of an interest graph is to bring together everyone that has shared interests. If I can isolate the people who are into mountain biking in Marin, in one place, the ability to put ads against that is really high.

One of the questions I get asked a lot is, 'What do you do to stay in shape?' My glib answer is, 'I play.' But I mean it. Sure, I go to the gym, but I don't spend my life there. Most of my activity is outdoors, whether it's basketball or mountain biking or rock climbing.

I tend to do something for two years then move on to something new. Yoga, then biking, then weight lifting, then back to biking. The moment it feels like a rut, I switch and search for a new love. It's like having a midlife crisis, but without the new wife or cheesy BMW.

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