I counted to ten slowly, using binary notation.

Human beings rarely do things for a binary reason.

I'm someone that likes to not think too binary about human qualities.

XML combines the efficiency of text files with the readability of binary files

I'm queer - and queer, to me, is not being stuck in a binary and being kind of fluid.

I would like to see the breakdown of the binary way of looking at gender and sexuality.

Any sufficiently crisp question can be answered by a single binary digit-0 or 1, yes or no.

In our business, things look like a failure until they're not. It's pretty binary transitions.

Unity can only be manifested by the Binary. Unity itself and the idea of Unity are already two.

We pretend that the brain is binary, like a computer. But it's not. It's completely holographic.

That so many binary or quasi-binary KBOs exist came as a real surprise to the research community.

Normally I am clear beforehand about which single proposal in a binary choice I am going to vote for.

I'm a very binary person in a bad way where it's like everything is either totally great or totally awful.

Faith is not so much a binary pole as a quantum state, which tends to indeterminacy when closely examined.

Since we do operate in a binary world, if there's something that cannot be this or that, it drives us crazy.

Entrepreneurs love to view risk as binary. The more you put on the line, the greater the potential for reward.

I've never regretted not making Linux shareware: I really don't like the pay for use binary shareware programs.

Transgender women especially feel like we have to fit the binary system to a T in order to not be recognized as trans.

I think our society has sort of built this gender binary, and the way we've said it exists does not really exist in nature.

At its most fundamental, information is a binary choice. In other words, a single bit of information is one yes-or-no choice.

I think that there's so many versions of femininity, and in terms of gender as a binary construct, that seems to be being dismantled.

It's challenging to find self-love when there's confusion and you're living in a world that's seemingly very binary and black and white.

More and more - especially the younger generation - are functioning outside the binary concept of gender. That's just next-generation stuff.

Most decisions are not binary, and there are usually better answers waiting to be found if you do the analysis and involve the right people.

The majority of the film industry is, like, obsessed with a ridiculous gender binary and keeping with this stupid social binary. Like, who cares?

Obviously there is no such thing as race, and in many ways, sex is a continuum, not a binary. So it doesn't make sense to label people in that way.

Binaries, whether it's 'man' or 'woman,' or 'black' and 'white,' were created to separate us. So without binary, there is only 'us,' which makes us all equal.

There's something problematic with this idea that straight men can be 'turned', and the binary of gay and straight and the lack of knowledge of the Kinsey scale.

Politicians and leaders who see the media as 'the enemy within' divide society into two clashing cultural camps. Populist demagogues benefit from binary oppositions.

Venture capitalists Justin Caldbeck of Binary Capital, Steve Jurvetson of DFJ, and Dave McClure of 500 Startups all left their firms following accusations of misconduct.

Sadly, in the highest levels of economic thought in government, questions are not tolerated. It is as if we're dealing with the binary thinking of a fundamentalist religion.

Digital organisms, while not necessarily any more alive than a phone book, are strings of code that replicate and evolve over time. Digital codes are strings of binary digits - bits.

I was never binary remain or leave. I was very much of the sentiment, and still am, that it was about remain, reform and review. The U.K. actually has a very powerful place in Europe.

Growing up, many of us are taught to place limits on what we can accomplish while on earth. We tend to think of things in binary form: either as possible or, more frequently, impossible.

Anything that can unambiguously represent two values - while resisting, just a wee bit, randomly flipping from the state you want retained into the opposite state - can encode binary data.

Honestly, from a very young age, before I had the language, really - anywhere that I encountered binary, whether it was in clothing or in toys or in media, it always made me uncomfortable.

Bodies have a sex, but gender is a thing we made up, like your star sign or nationality. It doesn't really say anything about who you are. The destruction of gender binary would free everybody.

The transgender community has always been a part of Hawaiian society, where people who don't conform to the binary system of man/woman, masculine/feminine are accepted or, at minimum, tolerated.

I think subsuming political and economic conflicts into some grand 'clash of civilisations' theory or 'the West versus the rest' binary is a particularly insidious form of ideological deception.

Anyone with a child knows that children learn about the world through binary options: up or down, hot or cold, big or little, inside or outside, wet or dry, good or bad, boy or girl, man or woman.

The New Horizons Pluto mission will be the first mission to a binary object and will help us understand everything from the origin of Earth's moon to the physics of mass transfer between binary stars.

This idea that a book can either be about character and feeling, or about politics and idea, is just a false binary. Ideas are an expression of the feelings and the intense emotions we hold about the world.

To say a scientist is not at all responsible is wrong. But to say that someone who invents a piece of knowledge or technology is responsible for all future uses is ridiculous. It doesn't have to be that binary.

I think that we're starting to allow ourselves to imagine that gender doesn't have to be binary, sexuality doesn't have to be binary, and you are allowed to choose who you love, how you behave, and how you dress.

I see the player piano as the grandfather of the computer, the ancestor of the entire nightmare we live in, the birth of the binary world where there is no option other than yes or no and where there is no refuge.

When media coverage sets up a binary opposition between 'the accuser' and 'the accused,' there is no longer a victim or even an alleged victim - a flesh and blood person who was harmed by the violent act of another.

A film is sort of binary - it either works or it doesn't work. It has nothing to do with how good a job you do. If you bring it up to an adequate level where the audience goes with the movie, then it works, that is all.

We've established a world that's binary gendered, and I don't want to be disadvantaged at all. If being male is going to be more advantageous than being female, I'm all about it. I don't really think it's that important.

Digital time does not flow; it flicks. Like any binary, discrete decision, it is either here or there. In contrast to our experience of the passing of time, digital time is always in the now, or in no time. It is still. Poised.

My personal style really started in my teens when I gained purchasing power to actually buy my own damn clothes. For so long, my parents dictated what I wore, which largely was their way of containing me within the gender binary.

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