I'm the blackest villain of all time.

I'm on the very blackest part of the black list.

Brazil is the second blackest nation in the world.

A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies.

The ending is one of my blackest, utterly without hope of any sort.

Perchance the chemist is already damned and the guardian the blackest.

I absolutely love Aquaman, and the character has been a passion since 'Blackest Night.'

If patience is worth anything, it must endure to the end of time. And a living faith will last in the midst of the blackest storm.

Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.

Here's a big risk: Staying with my husband during the blackest time in our marriage. Several years into our marriage, I wanted to walk away, and I didn't.

When I meet thousands of fans of the comic - when I realize every one of them can recite the Lantern Corps oath ('In Brightest Day, in blackest night...') - I know how important this is to people.

Like the assassination of JFK, everybody alive then can remember where they were that Doomsday Week of the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962. That Saturday, 27 October, was, and remains, the closest the world has come to nuclear holocaust - the blackest day of a horrendous week.

It is odd what notions men seem to have of the scantiness of a woman's resources. They do not find it anything out of nature that they should be able to exist by themselves; but a woman must always be borne about on somebody's shoulders, and dandled or chirped to, or it is supposed she will fall into the blackest melancholy!

I remember taking a space walk on the ISS. There I was, wrench in hand, tightening bolts on a new module. It was such a mundane task. But when I looked in one direction, there was Earth floating in vivid blues and greens. In the other direction, I could see the blackest black conceivable, punctured by unwavering pinpoints of starshine.

I'm the blackest member of my family. You know, these mixed families produce children of all colors, and in Jamaica, the question of exactly what shade you were, in colonial Jamaica, that was the most important question. Because you could read off class and education and status from that. I was aware and conscious of that from the very beginning.

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