People don't see me in traditional roles; I'm not getting cast in the revival of 'Company' as Bobby.

Bobby Petrino slinks through coaching jobs with the stench and trustworthiness of expired mayonnaise.

It was hard doing scenes with Bobby Cannavale because I would break up laughing because he's so funny.

I had been on tour with people like Roy Orbison. I knew Bobby Darin, Sam Cooke. So many great performers.

One night I went to see Bobby at the Flamingo. Because he was my hero, I would visit him for inspiration.

Well, Brett was a pretty laid back kid and I think all the pressure was heaped upon my eldest boy, Bobby.

My favorite band - and Bobby Cannavale and Terry Winter have already made fun of me for this - is Chicago.

Eric Young is phenomenal. Bobby Roode - every time I get in the ring with those guys, it's almost like magic.

I have two best friends - the dancer and choreographer Bobby Newberry and my former bandmate Kimberley Wyatt.

Bobby Cox had the biggest influence in my career and probably the second- or third-biggest influence in my life.

I've been obsessed with the Kennedys since I was a child, and Bobby Kennedy is, hands down, my favorite among them.

Bobby Lee's actions and his dealings with Bob Arum have convinced me that I am not being treated fairly by Bobby Lee.

Bobby Fischer has an enormous knowledge of chess and his familiarity with the chess literature of the USSR is immense.

Bobby Orr, I thought he was the greatest player of all time because he was so far ahead of the competition in his prime.

I was raised in a mostly white neighborhood. I was this little white girl jamming out to Ella Fitzgerald and Bobby Brown.

I don't consider myself a food person. I'm no Bobby Flay. I'm no Emeril or Paula Deen, and I'm certainly not Rachael Ray.

I think that N.W.A. picked up where Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King would have gone if they hadn't been assassinated.

The world fell apart. Sirhan Sirhan shot Bobby Kennedy. Why were people shooting all the Kennedys? Had the country gone mad?

Bobby Charlton's record was quite substantial. I couldn't think anybody would beat that. It is an achievement par excellence.

You think about when you're kids and see these guys on TV, and now you're in the same clubhouse as Chipper Jones and Bobby Cox.

I was at a White House Correspondents' Dinner, and I met Bobby Jindal, and we had a perfectly lovely twenty minute conversation.

Not that I'm some rocker, but what I do in a show is probably far more aggressive than what Dean Martin or Bobby Darin ever did.

I believed in Bobby Kennedy. Campaigning for him was an attempt to give back something to this country that has given me so much.

I met Bobby Fischer in 1993 when he moved to Europe. I have mixed feelings about it. He was an idol, but not a healthy minded man.

I didn't want to be a rock and roller. I wanted to be a Bobby Darin because he was the epitome of the performer, the sophisticated.

I actually had a Bobby Orr action figure. You could put the pads on him and skates and all that. I was 7, and he was still playing.

Bobby Knight told me this: 'There is nothing that a good defense cannot beat a better offense.' In other words a good offense wins.

If 'Bobby McGee' lasts, if 'Star Is Born' lasts, if 'Help Me Make It through the Night' lasts, if all of 'em last, man... who cares?

I'm a huge 'South Park' fan, loved 'Avenue Q,' and can not wait to work with Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Bobby Lopez, and Casey Nicholaw.

When I was 15, I became the youngest grandmaster in the world, breaking the record set by Bobby Fischer more than three decades earlier.

Bobby Ball, who plays my dad in 'Not Going Out,' is very funny. He has a magical sense for comedy that nobody has been able to replicate.

When you are against a guy like a Bobby Lashley, you have to be smart because he can snap a leg in one second. I treat him with that respect.

'Fukrey' was a major turning point of my career because it was post this film that I started getting lead roles in films like 'Bobby Jasoos.'

Contrary to popular belief, I do occasionally get to watch TNA, mostly on fast forward, but Bobby Roode is one of the guys... solid, solid guy.

I'm the seventh chancellor at Vanderbilt; Bobby Johnson is the 25th head football coach. That shows a lack of commitment to attract and retain.

Young Joel Benenson supported - well, I - you know, look, I supported Bobby Kennedy, not Eugene McCarthy in '68. I mean, that's where I landed.

The lesson of the Scott Walker, Rick Perry, and Bobby Jindal failures is simple: You can't run a presidential campaign from the undercard stage.

First off, you can't replace Bobby Hatfield. I was just blessed to be able to sing with maybe the greatest singer in the world as a first tenor.

People walking down the street would just say 'Ball don't lie.' I kinda feel like Bobby McFerrin, the mastermind behind 'Don't worry, be happy.'

It was larger than life - the 76ers, Dr. J, Moses Malone, Mo Cheeks, Andrew Toney and Bobby Jones - those were the teams that I grew up following.

Since Bobby Brown, I was the first one to be in my video taking my shirt off and showing the 6-pack and 8-pack. Other people weren't cut like that.

Don't try to be the next Rachael Ray or Bobby Flay, we already have those people. We want someone who is going to make their own mark on 'Food Network.'

Bobby Heenan was as quick-witted off the cameras as he was on the camera and just as funny. A great guy and I just thought the world of him as a person.

There was something punk rock about Bobby Kennedy not going where the pollsters said or where consultants said. He was unmoored from what was safe or easy.

Bobby Heenan did what every announcer should strive to do and that is to make talent bigger stars than they are and to embellish every talent's TV persona.

I just find Bobby Kennedy's short campaign for president so inspiring because his rhetoric identified what America can be like if we care about each other.

When you think about it, what's the difference between Bobby Knight and Vince Lombardi? Why is one guy a god, and the other guy is regarded as a crazy man?

I get to watch Shinsuke Nakamura and Bobby Roode and Tye Dillinger and all these huge names in NXT wrestle on TakeOver. Then I got to wrestle alongside them.

They said hey look, The Beatles deserve to be number one, not Bobby Vinton. We're gonna cut your tires. Change that listing. They were dedicated at the time.

I have never really had any ugly confrontations, other than Bobby Knight, and that was before I was doing sports talk radio. He is just a very difficult guy.

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