Twist my Body like the Exorcist.

Corsetry is a body modification.

The soul is the form of the body

I mostly just listen to my body.

I want the world to see my body.

The body says what words cannot.

, and they could name a handful.

Our bodies are the time machine.

My body is a gradual work of art

Unzip my body, take my heart out

My body gets weak without truth.

My MIND POWER gave me this body.

Your body will never be familiar.

The face is the soul of the body.

Kill the head, the body will die.

The body IS a miracle, after all.

Body is not stiff, mind is stiff.

The eye is the jewel of the body.

Our body is a machine for living.

You can heal your body with food.

I have dangerous bones in my body.

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

I see bodies as individual things.

My body is not a tomb for animals.

A fresh mind keeps the body fresh.

Your body is the harp of the soul.

My body of work speaks for itself.

this is her body this is her blood

A dead body revenges not injuries.

My kingdom for a more embodied body

We disjoint the mind like the body.

Shut up body and do what I tell you

Body cannot teach wisdom; God only.

Patch up thine old body for heaven.

It's your body. Tell it what to do.

Women think with their whole bodies

My body of work means nothing to me

I take really good care of my body.

It is the mind that shapes the body

The soul is the prison of the body.

If you have a body you are a dancer

Your body is your own planet Earth.

The body is the garden of the soul.

I'm a minimalist in a rapper's body.

Your body is the child of your soul.

I am this space my body believes in.

Kill the body and the head will die.

I love body parts, especially hands.

I don't have a hate bone in my body.

The soul has many motions, body one.

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