We always think of borders as something that separates two peoples but of course they unite them. It's something you have in common, literally.

If you ask Americans whether they've been successful at sealing the border with Mexico, they'll tell you that it's a very difficult proposition.

I don't want our culture diluted. We need to close the borders now and let everyone assimilate to a Western, white, English-speaking way of life.

Sport is a great equalizer that can build bridges, transcend borders and cultures, and render even the fiercest conflicts temporarily irrelevant.

...and it strikes her, as she walks, that borders, like hatred, are exaggerated precisely because otherwise they would cease to exist altogether.

What makes you a good citizen makes you a good Christian... Obey the law of your land by not crossing the borders of your nation with Ebola virus.

If we do not get control of our borders, by 2050 Americans of European descent will be a minority in the nation their ancestors created and built.

Without translation, I would be limited to the borders of my own country. The translator is my most important ally. He introduces me to the world.

The left has become increasingly dogmatic on immigration. Any position short of supporting open borders is described as racist. That's nonsensical.

My struggle led to the reunification of Germany and the creation of the state of Europe. We destroyed the borders; globalisation is on the horizon.

I have discovered three things which know no geographical borders - classical music, American jazz, and applause as the sign of the public's favor.

If we're so cruel to minorities, why do they keep coming here? Why aren't they sneaking across the Mexican border to make their way to the Taliban?

We have nothing to hide and it should be clear for the international community whose fault it was that the last closed European border was not open.

America is more than just a country. It's more than Chicago or Wisconsin. It's more than our borders. America is an idea. It's a very precious idea.

On one occasion I went to Afghanistan to look at the borders and learn something about the situation there to see if my book was there?and it wasnt.

There’s a reason I hate jigsaw puzzles. I don’t have the patience to find all the border pieces, especially when they’re all the same shade of gray.

I respect those who openly advocate for unlimited immigration to the United States. Open borders is an intellectually coherent, defensible position.

I believed it would succeed. It was Polish Solidarity and its victory that put an end to the old era when what mattered were borders and rival blocs.

Cinema is an art form that is designed to go across borders. And as a filmmaker, the only way I can direct a movie is when I feel close to my culture.

Our Nation's immigration laws are disrespected both by those who cross our borders illegally and by the businesses that hire those illegal immigrants.

The border between the Real and the Unreal is not fixed, but just marks the last place where rival gangs of shamans fought each other to a standstill.

Let me be clear - I'm no stranger to the challenges facing our borders, ports of entry, and the needs of the dedicated men and women who protect them.

In the city that the wolf enters, enemies will be close by. An alien force will sack a great country. Allies will cross the mountains and the borders.

God's message extends beyond borders. Anyone in the world can learn to forgive those who have injured them, however great or small that injury may be.

We are protecting Europe according to European rules that say borders can be crossed only in certain areas in a controlled way and after registration.

When crossing someone's borders you have to be prepared to engage in a war that is far more brutal than if it were to take place on neutral territory.

I have smuggled so many ingredients across so many borders, like shallot confit from Thailand, or a new sauce from New Orleans not approved by the FDA.

More needs to be done to take the fight to the enemy and secure our borders against the terrorist threat. We need more protection on land, sea and air.

I know that many Danes are worried about the future. Worried about jobs, about open borders. About whether we can find a balance in immigration policy.

We are a continent of refugees, and if you say we can't integrate refugees, that's not consistent with our values, even if borders cannot be wide open.

I tell you this: I'm not an outdoorsman. Actually, one of my things is to pick a little corner in Borders or Barnes & Noble and fall back and just read.

The European Union needs a comprehensive, continent-wise, transnational counter-terrorism center that has the authority to track threats across borders.

A modern democracy is a tyranny whose borders are undefined; one discovers how far one can go only by traveling in a straight line until one is stopped.

From time to time, it is worth wandering around the fuzzy border regions of what you do, if only to remind yourself that no human activity is an island.

This notion that borders wouldn't matter, that we would have commonality of interests around the world. Well, guess who got there first? The plutocrats.

National borders have always been arbitrarily drawn by people, and in ancient times there was a lot of exchange of people and culture with the continent.

There is the hidden presence of others in us, even those we have known briefly. We contain them for the rest of our lives, at every border that we cross.

Our goal should be to protect our borders and our national security, while instituting humane policies that reflect our values as a nation of immigrants.

I don't know what any individual should do about crossing her own borders. I only know that I live a happier, more adventurous life, by crossing borders.

A system of cameras and censors are used along the border and interior to help detect the movement of illegal immigrants crossing through the dense brush.

American failures in Vietnam and Iraq suggest that it's not really possible to create and sustain a proxy government in a country far from our own borders.

Operation Sovereign Borders has worked and delivered a human dividend that is compassionate and fair... our plan is simple. We won't change it. Labor will.

By putting a border line between life and death, we separate the world of death from our world of life, casting the dead away into the "world of oblivion".

It's the swirling river of time that makes our identities, not the monochromatic simplicity of skin colour or the definitive lines of international borders.

There are parts of L.A. that feel very, very Mexican, and there are weird little enclaves of Northside in Mexico - Cancún for instance. So what is a border?

No issue is more important to this Congress than securing our borders and protecting our homeland, and I guarantee it is very important to our constituents.

Economic activity is moving from the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific ocean... Russia has a certain natural advantage because it also borders the Pacific Ocean.

The British people voted to take back control of our borders, trade, money and laws. They chose a bright future as a free, independent and sovereign country.

Fortunately New Zealand doesn't have land borders so we are able to be somewhat more rigorous on who gets in and out of our country than perhaps some people.

But like the rest of the country, Maine has reached an impasse, for most of the mercury that fouls our skies, waters and land comes from outside our borders.

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