It's the federal government's job to secure the border.

I disagree that our border is in devastating condition.

I fear the carnival of crime is beginning on our border.

My obsession with James Franco borders on the unhealthy.

Certify border is secure; only then allow guest workers.

Home is not land and borders. It's about people you love.

It is hopeless to try to convert some borders into seams.

Life is wide, limitless. There is no border, no frontier.

Vancouver is dope, everybody got across the border today.

These are our borders, and we have to secure our borders.

Israel sees the world just beyond its borders collapsing.

A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.

Science doesn't have flags. Science doesn't have borders.

I won the wintergirl trip over the border into dangerland.

Mime, like music, knows neither borders nor nationalities.

A Trump administration will secure and defend our borders.

In America, we don't even have a border. It's an open sieve.

I am easy-going right up to the borders of my self-interest.

They say money kinda melts when you take it across a border.

Cinema is universal, beyond flags and borders and passports.

I love forms beyond my own, and regret the borders between us

Transnational organized crime does not recognize any borders.

I feel somewhat responsible for the Borders Books bankruptcy.

There's an 800 kilometer border between Iran and Afghanistan.

Once a friend, always a friend. Why should borders stop that?

If we don't enforce visa laws, we basically have open borders.

The Tories seem unable to make any impact north of the border.

One feels a quickening of the pulse when one crosses a border.

Whether you like it or not - I want to close the Dutch borders.

The Southern borders of Bavaria are being protected by Hungary.

Music addresses us from beyond the borders of the natural world

In fiction, you know, there are no borders. You can go anywhere.

Leaps of innovation require a bravery that borders on absurdity.

Sometimes the cultures phobia of religion borders on the absurd.

Absurd- that is the light mind that establishes its own borders.

I am a socially liberal libertarian who is not for open borders.

My first act as president will be to reinstate France's borders.

Actors love to do good work irrespective of country and borders.

Doors have locks, citizens have guns, and countries have borders.

A conquering army on the border will not be stopped by eloquence.

Marco Rubio continues to this day to be in favor of open borders.

Death borders upon our birth, and our cradle stands in the grave.

Art is like a border of flowers along the course of civilization.

Border relations between Canada and Mexico have never been better.

It's a myth that the border can't be enforced. It can be enforced.

We will expand the number of border patrol stations significantly.

We are limited but we can push back the borders of our limitations

The meat of the buffalo tastes the same on both sides of the border.

Having a secure border is a sovereign right and mutually beneficial.

In America, we will have secure borders, but we'll also have reform.

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