The lack of substantial resources and staffing along the Northern U.S. border poses a real security threat.

There is a certain amount of momentum that is achieved when one country after another reopens their borders.

Currently, most States do not recognize within their borders concealed carry permits issued in other States.

There should be no borders, race, colours, or ethnical considerations when it comes to music and creativity.

Britain is relatively compact and much closer to the borders of the U.S.S.R. than anywhere in North America.

I think we have to secure our borders and make sure that people coming in are coming here not to do us harm.

You don't compete with dollars, but you compete with ideas. Your only real borders are what you can imagine.

My goal is to ensure the Northern Border is safe, secure and allows for the free flow of travel and commerce.

The border between the dead and the living, if you're Mexican, doesn't exist. The dead are part of your life.

It [Border fence] hasn't worked. What has worked is more border patrols... What has worked is some technology.

There are a few Chinese smuggled in over the borders of British Columbia on the north and Mexico on the south.

We [americans] need to control our border just like people have to control who goes in and out of their house.

My parents were born abroad. I was born in France, but I feel comfortable everywhere - I don't see the borders.

Hatred will always give birth to more and more hate, and love has the power to demolish the borders between us.

At the northern border of Azerbaijan, Daghestan by no means contributes to the democratization of the Caucasus.

And ICE and Border Patrol officers will be allowed to do their jobs the way their jobs are supposed to be done.

It may be proper to observe, that I had now passed the utmost frontier of the white settlements on that border.

A country that does not fulfill its tasks in protecting the external borders has to cope with the consequences.

Online crime is practically always international, because they almost always cross traditional national borders.

Marco [Rubio] has opposed at every point increased security - border security for those who come to our country.

You can either invade a country or leave them alone and trade with them. When goods cross borders, armies don't.

Three-quarters of the flags, borders and anthems sitting at the U.N. today were not there 60 some-odd years ago.

You know, James Franco is one of the most interesting figures because he has no rules. He breaks all the borders.

I do not have the slightest bit of confidence in the European Union to protect the borders of the European Union.

We've always been the most generous nation in the world when it comes to caring for those outside of our borders.

I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.

What critics often ask for is the impossible, though this may be a salutary means of extending the borders of art.

I've never met a Democrat in Congress who wants open borders or who doesn't believe in enforcing immigration laws.

It's not possible in a free country to completely control the border without us losing our freedoms and liberties.

And after Brexit, we will be free to determine our economic future, with control over our money, laws and borders.

Human society has dense borders - economic, religious and cultural - inculcated from an early age. We hate change.

Let our hearts touch far horizons. Let our love know no borders, Draw the Circles wide until, No one stands alone.

Local color has a fatal tendency to remain local; but it is also true that the universal often borders on the void

Local color has a fatal tendency to remain local; but it is also true that the universal often borders on the void.

We need to push our border across the Mediterranean - hoping that Libya can find a new balance as soon as possible.

All I can say is we will fully utilise our right to self-defence. No one can just do what they want on our borders.

Well, I think we need to have attrition by enforcement. We need to secure our borders. We need to enforce our laws.

We're getting used to reality and fantasy passing into each other. Much of the border between them has been erased.

The more borders we have, the more quarrels, the more wars. That's one way to think about borders - they're trouble.

For some, the universe ends at the borders of their villages; even for others, at the threshold of their home doors.

In Israel, you see strong borders as the best way to ensure peace, while in Europe, people see it as a cause of war.

Gratuitous cruelty borders on the pathological, psychotic and that becomes uninteresting because there is no choice.

What 'Clandestino' is talking about is problems of borders, and more and more hermetic borders all around the world.

The American people overwhelmingly want to see smart policy that secures our families, our borders, and our economy.

I think 2017 is going to be the year of the grand return of the nation-state, the control of borders and currencies.

The superiority of the American system is eloquently proved by the pressure of people who want to crash our borders.

Whatever kind of device or barrier or policy to secure the border, that's necessary to secure the border, then do it.

...the fact [is] that our borders leak like a sieve: those things cannot be permitted to continue in good conscience.

After we secure the border, not only build a wall, but beneath the ground and in the air, we do internal enforcement.

My house borders horse farms, and I can look out my window and see the horses and the new colts. It's really peaceful.

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