The referendum was clear: the British people voted to leave the single market and to take back control of our borders.

I am the son and grandson of immigrants. And I know that securing our borders is not anti-immigrant and we will do it.

We have to treat people who cross our borders with a measure of dignity. Right? It has to be reflective of our values.

Along the borders to Ethiopia and Somalia, anarchy reigns, the police and military have retreated quite some distance.

Barbour is a brand that I have grown up with and been associated with since I was living near the borders of Scotland.

There is no question that we must do more to secure our borders - but how we go about securing them is also important.

First, the constitution [of Ukraine] has to be reformed. Only then can confidence building and border security follow.

I have fallen back in love with music, which has allowed me to get back to my roots and create sounds without borders.

The truce brokered by Egypt between Israel and Hamas depends, above all, on the borders between Egypt, Gaza and Israel.

When I was crossing the border into Canada, they asked if I had any firearms with me. I said, 'Well, what do you need?'

I'm not an expert on the ways of Washington [but] it makes no sense to me that we're not funding control of our border.

The violence in the schools of today will inevitably graduate to the streets, offices, cities, and borders of tomorrow.

"Secret migration" across borders is a form of human degradation and evidence of the depravity of the human conscience.

The secretary of Homeland Security working with myself and my staff will begin immediate construction of a border wall.

I don't know a country in the world that doesn't have borders and doesn't want to know who is coming into their country.

Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. America from border to border and coast to coast and all the ships at sea. Let's go to press.

I think that each country must protect its own borders, and that is why I'm simply asking for the abolition of Schengen.

Whether the borders that divide us are picket fences or national boundaries, we are all neighbors in a global community.

I have Algerian, Turkish, Swedish, Spanish blood: I feel like a citizen of the world. Life and cinema don't have borders.

It's not about breaking down borders. It's about pushing off of them, and seeing what amazing places they might bring us.

Hillary Clinton supports open borders, amnesty and even wants to increase Syrian refugees to this country by 550 percent.

If the Democratic Party follows the path of open borders, then the Democratic Party is going to engage in self-immolation.

Schengen cannot survive without the most dramatic reform, and the external borders of Europe must be rapidly strengthened.

Languages are jealous sovereigns, and passports are rarely allowed for travellers to cross their strictly guarded borders.

Terrorist groups are working and communicating across E.U. borders - our efforts to track those groups must do so as well.

Hillary Clinton doesn't know what she's doing except open borders and let everybody come in and destroy America by the way.

I think Donald Trump laid out a series of priorities that doesn't end with border security, it begins with border security.

We know that much of the training and the direction for terrorists comes from Pakistan and the border area with Afghanistan

Ronald Reagan said a nation without borders is not a nation. Donald Trump is committed to restoring the borders of America.

Mass migrations of climate refugees erode borders and nations, creating a global playground for terrorists and traffickers.

As a company, we believe in free and open borders. We feel this best facilitates the exchange of cultural values and ideas.

We still need to secure our southern border. The other thing I would say is we need to secure who visits us in the country.

Adolescence is a border between childhood and adulthood. Like all borders, it's teeming with energy and fraught with danger.

In the United States, and to a certain extent in Canada, there's very little interest in what happens outside their borders.

I've been so used to thinking of what the borders are keeping out that I haven't considered that they're also penning us in.

To every American, he [Donald Trump] is saying to them, "You elect me and we're going to fix the lawlessness at this border."

I do think there will be more Japanese companies expanding out of Japan, and there will be more cross-border flow from Japan.

Our actors are crossing borders and now so are our stories. And that is what I saw in 'Bachaana.' The film is light and easy.

I literally integrated the small town of Libertyville, Illinois. I was the first person of color to reside within its borders.

Nobody here's for open borders. When undocumented people are apprehended, they should be sent back to wherever they came from.

You don't see any borders between countries from space. That's man-made, and one experiences it only when you return to Earth.

We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams.

It is important to have safe borders, but at the same time, we can't forget what brought us here. This is an immigrant nation.

The ability to control our borders stands at the heart of the debate on whether or not Britain should leave the European Union.

Great countries need to secure their border for national security purposes, for economic purposes and for rule of law purposes.

Plants, like people, are social or anti-social: the good plant has to be able to live amicably with other plants in the border.

Obama stands as a signal that this nation will continue to redefine what it means to push beyond the borders of what's possible.

I would like to hear from Chancellor Merkel what she was thinking when opening the borders. I cannot imagine at all what it was.

Preventing people from illegally immigrating to the United States should be the primary purpose of Customs and Border Protection.

Texas has done a very good job of securing their borders with the help of the federal government. California has done a good job.

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