You know I ain’t got no brand new bag.

I'm speechless! I am so happy to have won MTV Brand New!

When I get a brand new bag, I wear it for months and months.

It's just exciting to be part of something that is brand-new.

Every day is a great day when you have a brand new Marlen pen.

When I showed up to drive for Dale in '01 it was a brand new team.

He will be beginning a brand new chapter in the Michael Jackson legend.

I got a brand new flugelhorn today in this gorgeous case, it's beautiful.

It is easily overlooked that what is now called vintage was once brand new.

Look - think very hard about the car you want. Then buy that one, brand new.

I prefer the rather old and battered, things with character, to the brand new.

Children are natural Zen masters; their world is brand new in each and every moment.

I think every test pilot's dream is to be on the start of something that's brand new.

For young players, classic games are brand new. For others, they are a way to feel young again.

When you come to a hotel where everything is brand new, it's logical that not everything works.

When you find great songs, and somehow you get a spark in a little way, it can become brand new.

Growing up on a set is completely different than coming onto a brand new set for the first time.

I am one of the new characters in the brand new series of 'Postman Pat.' It has been a joy to do.

So many have been growing with us from the very beginning of our career. Others are brand new to us.

Each record is sort of like a brand new baby, where it's your favorite thing at that moment in time.

You can't suddenly say, 'I want a brand new habit tomorrow,' and expect it to be easy and effortless.

Elvis Costello had a brand new bag. He was a musician, but he knew all about the attitude part of it.

So, it ended up being what you have there, seven songs brand new and ten live songs which is a good mix.

Everybody has the answers or they'll make them up for you. Just once I'd like to hear a brand-new question.

If you're going to make a sequel to 'Sicario', you have to - you know, you've got to go beat a brand new path.

Authentic rock and roll is a sound that I've always been drawn to with bands like Brand New and Jimmy Eat World.

I love to work with artists that were able to find a brand new name and create something really exciting and fresh.

My personal belief in doing Brand New Congress is that the movement needs something to focus on that's constructive.

Don't waste time trying to break a man's heart; be satisfied if you can just manage to chip it in a brand new place.

I treat my body the same way I would treat a brand new car. You have to treat it well so it can run for a long time.

Games are advancing in terms of storytelling and trying to create a character, and it's a brand new audience for me.

Kids will remind you that, even though you've gone down a road 100 times, it's brand new for them - and that's healthy.

It's not at all a secret that I was one of the co-founders of Brand New Congress, and we've never tried to hide our goals.

For many comedians, two common anxiety triggers include performing in front of family members and doing brand new material.

I think all parts come with baggage unless it is a brand new play. If one was daunted by that, you would never do anything.

It feels amazing to be on the MTV Brand New list. I was shocked when I got told - a good shocked. I'm proper happy about it.

I drove a brand new Lamborghini, the Huracan; it was great. We went on the Autobahn, and we got to drive on the Nurburgring.

Health food shops can make people feel very important; it's like a brand new religion with people trying to convert you to quinoa.

I can't believe that I'm MTV's Brand New for 2018. Big love to MTV for even giving me this opportunity and to all the fans for voting.

When you got a sound that don't sound like nobody else and it's brand new, you've got to feed it to 'em. You've got to force it on 'em.

Growing up in the suburbs, I used to listen to punk rock, Brand New, Taking Back Sunday. And no one from my high school listened to it.

I'm the king of napping. I can nap and I snore. Then I wake up, go to the toilet, wash my face, have a coffee and it's like a brand new day.

Short stories, for me, it's like you step inside this brand new car and you drive it and you drive it into a tree and you walk away from it.

I think it's natural when a team has such high expectations, under .500 halfway through the season, they're going to go after a brand new coach.

Congratulations are in order for Woody Allen - he and Soon Yi have a brand new baby daughter. It's all part of Woody's plan to grow his own wives.

Actually, before 'Super 8,' I didn't even have a game console. But now I do. For a kickoff for 'Super 8,' they gave us all brand new PlayStation 3s.

Shy Carter helped me write 'One Call Away.' He is a brand new artist. I really want to help jumpstart his career because I think he's super-talented.

I have to believe everything I write is brand new and I'm writing in this way about these people in a completely new situation for the very first time.

ShapeShift, like SatoshiDICE before it, demonstrated how an old business could operate in a brand new way because of the properties of cryptocurrencies.

When I started Netscape I was brand new out of college and all the aspects of building a business, like balance sheets and hiring people, were new to me.

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