All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.

All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.

I'm big on breakfast.

I'm not a breakfast eater.

I eat "NOs" for breakfast.

I never eat any breakfast.

I eat liars for breakfast.

I eat breakfast most times.

I had sadness for breakfast.

I'm not a big breakfast eater.

My breakfast is very important.

Bananas are my go-to breakfast.

I must have a drink of breakfast.

They arrested us after breakfast.

Hell is other people at breakfast.

I like breakfast all day, any day.

When you grow up, your heart dies.

I eat death threats for breakfast!

Learn to eat problems for breakfast

Breakfast is a big deal. I love it.

My wife and I are breakfast people.

Culture eats strategy for breakfast.

I love having critics for breakfast.

...fry me an optimist for breakfast.

I usually don't really have breakfast.

Feedback is the breakfast of champions.

The land of embarrassment and breakfast.

If I could grill for breakfast, I would.

Culture eats Christianity for breakfast.

Why are breakfast foods breakfast foods?

Habits eat good intentions for breakfast.

Oatmeal is a cheap and healthy breakfast.

Danger's over, Banana Breakfast is saved.

If it's not chocolate, it's not breakfast.

Expect problems and eat them for breakfast.

Hash browns are my favorite breakfast food.

I'll be in Hell before you start breakfast!

I'm actually not really a breakfast person.

Airbnb started with 'air bed and breakfast.'

Justice is what the judge ate for breakfast.

Children of heroes have glory for breakfast.

The French don't know how to cook breakfast.

A nod from a lord is a breakfast for a fool.

'The Breakfast Club' was one of my favorites.

Vicodin and vodka the breakfast of champion's.

I'm from Maine. I eat apple pie for breakfast.

My favorite breakfast cereal is Cocoa Pebbles.

Hope makes a good breakfast. Eat plenty of it.

You can't write a term paper before breakfast.

You know those days when you get the mean reds?

Like love, breakfast is best when made at home.

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