I'm a teen-age bride.

Let girls be girls and not brides

I'm not the perfect bride after all.

Always a bridesmaid never a bride my foot!

How much the wife is dearer than the bride.

Death stands behind every bride, every groom.

Bridesmaids are never going to upstage the bride.

Why is it that whenever I hear music I think I’m a bride?

I played it for my bride, and one day you will play for yours.

I wanted to be a Bride of Christ but I guess now I'm a young divorcee.

There is no place in which to hide when Age comes seeking for his bride.

Good grief, Fury, warn me if you’re going to jump in here naked. (Bride)

Always the bridesmaid , never the bride." Always the godfather, never the god".

Time to sit down," Fred told Harry, "Or we're going to get run over by the bride.

I can't explain why a bride buys her wedding dress, whereas a groom rents his tux.

To know that I continue to touch the lives of so many brides is a very special feeling.

Every bride and groom would do well to remember that in wedding, the we comes before the I.

After paying for the wedding, about the only thing a father has left to give away is the bride.

I wanted to be Beetlejuice. I watched nonstop 'Beetlejuice' and 'The Princess Bride' growing up.

Most Kikuyu marriages were arranged on the basis of what is described by anthropologists as the bride price.

Devyn: “But what can I say? I'm irresistible.” Bride: "No, you're a ho, but the good news is I’m ok with that!

Oh, gods, you’re mated! I really hope it’s to Aimee. (Bride) Thankfully so. Otherwise I’d have had to kill me some ho and then beat Fang senseless. (Aimee)

Vane passed the mashed potatoes across Bride to Fury, who stared at them with a fierce frown "What are these?" he asked. "Potatoes," Vane told him. "What did they do to them?

Mawidge is a dweam wiffin a dweam. The dweam of wuv wapped wiffin the gweater dweam of everwasting west. Eternity is our fwiend, wemember that, and wuv wiw fowwow you fowever.

I am recognized a lot for Clueless, but I am recognized a great deal for The Princess Bride. I dont know... maybe everybody who has seen that movie just goes out on the street.

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