Modern man is frantically trying to earn enough to buy things he's too busy to enjoy.

Getting a second thing isn't always easy in this busy, competitive television market.

I love to keep busy. But I never forget it's the countdown that made it all possible.

My work keeps me so busy that I don't have much time even to interact with my family.

I don't care how busy I am - I will always make time for what's most important to me.

It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?

I had no idea 'Moon River' would do so well. I was too busy working to think about it.

I love to drown myself in work. I pray to God to keep me busy and let me do good work.

No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make the other person feel important.

I didn't have the opportunity to go to college. I was busy touring since the age of 17.

O man you are busy working for the world, and the world is busy trying to turn you out.

Walking allows us to be in our bodies and in the world without being made busy by them.

I've always liked being busy. If I have nothing to do for a week, it just makes me mad.

In the fifties… we were so busy being cool that we didn’t know how to say the word love

Today's kids aren't taking up arms against their parents; they're too busy texting them.

I'd like to be with an interesting man who is understanding about having a busy partner.

When someone we love dies, we get so busy mourning what died that we ignore what didn't.

Rectify is un-busy. It might soothe you, if not distract you, from all you got going on.

My family are my priority but I've always had a strong work ethic and I like to be busy.

A landline is an anchor - busy signals, long distance bills, missed connections and all.

We are busy surviving, herding, fixating on what just happened, and being overconfident!

I'm not gonna worry about what people think about me. I'm too busy. I don't give a hoot.

I knew that I wanted to be a film actress and I never watched TV. I was always too busy.

I'm busy and that's the way I like it - when I have too much downtime I get into trouble.

Some people are so busy learning the tricks of the trade that they never learn the trade.

Every day we're given opportunities, some of us see them and some are too busy to notice.

The non-artists among us are always terribly busy, but finally disappear without a trace.

When you start so young working, you build a hunger for acting, working, and a busy life.

I was a manic and eccentric kid. In my head I was very busy, so I must have seemed weird.

When kids were busy playing at the age of 11, I was singing for the heroine of 'Shastra.'

If the movie is quiet I generally feel the audience is busy. That's when they're working.

The man of sensibility is too busy talking about his feelings to have time for good deeds.

Week by week my orders grew, and the flat of the old mill soon assumed a very busy aspect.

I don't think I am a workaholic. I prefer to keep busy. It is better than the alternative.


We're too busy busting whorehouses or solving murders. That's what makes the show so funny

It was a lifetime occupation that kept us too busy to stop and ask if we were happy or not

I'm still, except for making overseas trips, I'm staying just about as busy as I ever did.

Pac get busy. People can't take nothing from him. On the lyrics, he get busy, straight up.

Apples, grapes... any kind of fruit gives me the energy I need to get through my busy day.

Never ignore a coincidence. Unless you're busy, in which case, always ignore a coincidence.

They're two types of people; those who are busy being about it and those who talk about it.

I figured we'd be too busy running for our lives than for him to make a move anyway. (Dana)

I have 3 kids and a cat and a busy, noisy house. I get more time to relax when I'm working.

I've always just given myself to the band, if you know what I mean, and been busy with that.

With my busy schedule, my friends consist of my immediate family and the people I work with!

What fits your busy schedule better, exercising one hour a day or being dead 24 hours a day?

I would probably lose my mind if I wasn't busy. There's only so many video games I can play.

Don't try and fit your faith into your busy schedule, build your schedule around your faith.

I love making music so its important for me to keep doing that even if the schedule is busy.

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