Everybody's got cable.

I really like cable T.V.

Cable TV? Stressful? Never.

The character of Cable is complex.

I don't have cable, and it's glorious.

Television, cable, features are always out there.

I didn't even have cable back in my college house.

I don't have cable. I just never watched a lot of TV.

Cable penetrates 70 percent of American audiences now.

On cable now, the writer is king. Any actor chases that.

Cable would not translate into the public radio universe.

One way to get high speed to the home is over cable systems.

I didn't have cable growing up. I never saw ESPN or GameDay.

Sonali Cable' is not a low budget film, it's a normal budget film.

I think that cable TV is a great venue to do something interesting.

We're closer to HBO than we are to the entire grid of cable on demand.

The job for cable is to give the news and then also give the 'so what.'

I have no problem at all going back and forth between cable and network.

You look at shows on cable, and there's a lot of smart writing out there.

I think cable has been under-appreciated for its contribution to society.

TV, in particular cable channels, has assumed the role of independent film.

You know, people aren't watching a network: they're watching cable channels.

I watch sports and cable news. I'm a political junkie, so that's my interest.

We had more viewers on the broadcast network than we did on the cable channel.

Television really does offer still great parts for women, cable in particular.

Without network neutrality, cable and phone companies could stifle innovation.

My biggest pet peeve, I guess, is other comedians criticizing Larry the Cable Guy.

I like cable stuff; I really do - 'American Horror Story,' 'American Crime Story.'

Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it.

We love our business. We have never been more enthusiastic about cable and its future.

Cable is a niche business. If you can own a niche, that can be a very strong business.

I think a lot of people in television news look at the cable networks with great envy.

The failure of The Cable Guy impacted my career. I had to start writing and acting again.

The beauty of cable is you could program for 18-year-old twins and get a hit show on cable.

I was a home-schooled kid, living in the forest, and I didn't even have cable. I'm serious.

No cord or cable can draw so forcibly, or bind so fast, as love can do with a single thread.

I know I'm on a small cable reality show. I'm realistic where I stand in the scheme of things.

I really missed what I'd done on Rogers Cable, which was shooting and editing all my own stuff.

When you go to cable, there are no stations and no affiliates and they allow you to do your show.

The five million people who watch cable news are the political nation, the people who really care.

Many of our constituents have one option for cable TV and one price. Our constituents desire choice.

In 1984 nobody knew what cable was going to be. It was there, but you didn't know where it was going.

The Fox News cable channel is doing very well because there is a market for what Fox News has to offer.

For my generation of actors, it was about the theatre. Television didn't exist. Coaxial cable didn't exist.

Cable and satellite businesses are competing against fixed-line telephone companies and wireless companies.

The problem with the cable networks is the lack of money, not from personal income but as far as show budget.

The first 'Interdimensional Cable' episode is amazing because it's filled with such absolute drunken nonsense.

I just don't know that we're as filled with hate as cable news leads us to believe. It's hard to hate up close.

I've made a lot of very small movies that may not have had a large initial audience. Then it shows up on cable.

The whole point of remaining on cable is to remain true to who I am. That's a bad, bad girl that got a big job.

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