Despair has its own calms.

Stroking my dog calms me down.

Working in a garden calms me down.

One often calms one's grief by recounting it.

Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting.

I vent my anger in the gym, and it calms me down.

Gospel music always relaxes me and calms my nerves.

The bigger the crowd the better really! The noise calms your nerves.

Structure is something that calms our nature; we know this of toddlers.

Before a game, I prefer R&B and stuff that calms me down, like the Weeknd.

There's naught, no doubt, so much the spirit calms as rum and true religion.

I listen to a lot of Christian music, and reading my Bible calms me down immensely.

I had to listen to the classical music because it calms me down, calms my nerves down.

I do a lot of yoga and meditation. It calms my nerves and helps me channelise my energy.

I think that running creates a sense of balance in my life. And it really calms me down.

So mightiest powers buy deepest calms are fed, And sleep, how oft, in things that gentlest be!

I like to smile. I smile even when I'm nervous since it calms me down and shows my friendliness.

I like to be in waiting rooms with people as they're auditioning, because their terror calms me.

I like someone I can have fun with and who can be more laid-back than I am, because it calms me down.

Smoking calms me down. It's enjoyable. I don't want politicians deciding what is exciting in my life.

Breathing in the proper state gets you into a state where you digest food better and calms your brainwaves down.

Having fun with family, playing video games, and listening to music calms me down and gets me away from the NBA world.

Around me, there's always music playing. It just calms me down; it soothes me. It helps me write. It helps me with my mood.

Joe E. Lewis said, 'Money doesn't buy happiness but it calms the nerves.' And that is how I feel about a film being well-received.

What I loved about breast-feeding was that bond of one-on-one time. The serotonin that's released calms you down and connects you to the baby.

In a world and a life that moves so fast, photography just makes the sound go out and it makes you stop and take a pause. Photography calms me.

If the world is in complete flux for me and life is falling apart, if I just manage to get myself in front of a computer or at my desk, it calms.

Even with the lowest budget in the world, you better get some names in there; that calms people down. Then be sure your leading character is in a hurry.

Truth, like the juice of the poppy, in small quantities, calms men; in larger, heats and irritates them, and is attended by fatal consequences in excess.

I love listening to music in general before I compete. It's something that calms me down, and meditating and breathing before I get up there to calm all my nerves.

Most athletes get intimidated once they see how many fans are out there, but it almost calms me down in a way because I think of it as a fun way to show off what I've been working on.

Yoga is the best holistic workout and body toner there is. It sorts out a chaotic mind and calms the body - it is how I de-stress - or stop myself getting stressed in the first place.

Human curation allows you to have the emotion and feel music, because it is a very emotional thing. It makes you feel happy; it helps you when you are feeling sad, gets you pumped up, calms you down.

Being on set with my dad - that's so cool. People always ask me if that made me nervous, but it's the same element when you're a kid - when your parents come in the auditorium for those school performances. It calms you.

The secret to everything for me is doing yoga every day. It does do nice things for your body, but it also kind of calms you down and chills you out. Other than that, I don't really drink alcohol and I always take my makeup off at night!

I meditate and I have cut out red meat. For me it is just breathing techniques, learning to be still, to control your thought processes, it calms you down. It wasn't about dealing with the pressure of games - I've always been all right in matches.

The first series of 'Open All Hours' came and went without much fanfare because the BBC, in its almighty wisdom, put it out on BBC2, reasoning that it was 'a gentle comedy', better suited to the calms of the second channel than to the noisier, choppier waters of the first.

We have little bags we pack specifically for touch-up makeup if you're chosen for the top 16. I knew I had to sneak in my banana because nothing calms my nerves like it! I don't know if it's the potassium, but I need it before I get on stage because it always calms me down.

When I was a young student, I only listened to foreign music, mainly rock music and hard rock. Then I surprised myself by discovering ethnic music. Now I like to listen to music from different places, and in many situations. Even when you work, some ethnic music calms the nerves.

I suddenly realize why David Attenborough is the giant he is. It is not just his geographic curiosity, not just his anthropological understanding, not just his gift for narration that simultaneously calms the soul and inspires the mind. It is that behind it all there is such a deep thinker.

When I hit a block, regardless of what I am writing, what the subject matter is, or what's going on in the plot, I go back and I read Pablo Neruda's poetry. I don't actually speak Spanish, so I read it translation. But I always go back to Neruda. I don't know why, but it calms me, calms my brain.

For some reason, I find jogging incredibly boring, but yoga is the only thing I've been able to consistently do over the years. I think it's because it also is sort of a mental exercise and calms you and refocuses you. So I find that that's great, and sometimes someone will drag me to a spin class or on a hike.

I know this will blow your mind, but most people would probably never ever get it, but I listen to classical music when nobody else is around. It calms me down and I can get into this, like, deep thinking mode, you know, because there's really no lyrics to it, so you're not following something that - that you're listening to a story.

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