I love Canada.

Canada is hockey.

I want my Canada back!

I love Canada, always.

Canada is a big part of my life.

Canada was built on dead beavers.

Scotland is the Canada of England!

In Canada, things are very honest.

Canada and space are a natural fit.

Canada is a vast and empty country.

Canada can be tough for urban music.

I look at Canada like a second home.

I've never been to Canada in my life.

I'm world-famous ... all over Canada.

Playing for Canada changed my career.

I talk funny 'cause I come from Canada.

Canada is so far away it hardly exists.

A lot of funny stuff happens in Canada.

Canada's the best country in the world.

My first trip to Canada has been great!

The twentieth century belongs to Canada.

I go to Canada at least every two years.

Hip-hop was super-exotic to us in Canada.

Canada, or as i call them, America Light.

Let's be honest. Canada wasn't ever cool.

Hip-hop was super-exotic to us in Canada.

Canada is such a big, widespread country.

It was a lot of fun to grow up in Canada.

I always thought of this as God's country.

I had no idea Canada could be so much fun.

I don't even know what street Canada is on.

Without Montreal, Canada would be hopeless.

Canadians are Americans with no Disneyland.

I get to go to overseas places, like Canada.

I have so much to give to skating in Canada.

I used to do tech support for MSN in Canada.

My plan was to stay in Canada to make films.

There are a lot of top-notch shows in Canada.

We get more oil from Canada than any country.

Canada is the greatest nation in this country.

We don't have glamour models in Canada at all.

When I think of Canada I think of tonic water.

Canada is free and freedom is its nationality.

Canada is useful only to provide me with furs.

Canada's Far North is where I knew I had to go.

Wrestlers from Japan and Canada are very tough.

When I was studying in Canada, we were so free.

The mighty voice of Canada will ever call to me.

In 1628 came the first English attack on Canada.

I am so excited about Canadians ruling the world.

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