Fun is carefree. I am not carefree.

I'm the most carefree mo'fo' in the world.

I'm very carefree - I wear whatever I want.

I wish I could be more carefree. I grew up fast.

I'm the most carefree, happy person you'll meet.

In Bollywood, birthday celebrations are usual and very carefree.

When I was a kid, those were carefree days without much pressure.

I love kids - they're so carefree and always put a smile on my face.

...a carefree letting go of oneself, not a caution, but a wise blindness.

The laughter of the aphorism is sometimes triumphant, but seldom carefree.

I can be a goofball sometimes. I love having a good time and being carefree.

Digressions, objections, delight in mockery, carefree mistrust are signs of health.

I wish I had that carefree lifestyle. But I guess I'm more private, and more inside.

It pleased the public to think I lived the easy, carefree life - the playboy of golf.

She transforms once again into someone carefree, and I transform into someone whose only care is her.

We've had that carefree, light-hearted image of fun, fun, fun. Everyone knows it's not really like that.

I love the way little kids dress themselves! They're completely carefree about how others perceive them.

The happiest moment was when I just played with a ball as a boy, carefree, without worrying about anything.

I want my kids to grow up and enjoy their childhood and be carefree. I never really got a chance to be a kid.

A lot of political things would have to dramatically change in this planet for a woman of color to be carefree.

College. I didn't even realize it was carefree at the time, but looking back, that was the most carefree time ever.

L.A. interests me, the whole band scene and relaxed carefree feel, but it does not mean you have to dress like a hippy.

Or maybe watching you enjoy a carefree summer while you fell in love was what kept me out of the hospital in the first place.

I think my most happy and carefree state was 2012 because I really did say, 'Forget everything. I'm going to play for myself.'

I don't know a single black girl who's carefree because it ain't easy being a girl of color, period. God, I wish we were carefree.

A lot of times when you're young and carefree, you don't realize, when you tip over the edge, how difficult it is to climb back in.

I think the first 10 years of my daughter's life were my mother's happiest, because she could finally have carefree time with a kid.

My favourite singer ever in the world is Ari Up from The Slits. Her voice is amazing to me. It's carefree, but it's also really amazing.

I'm such a control freak that camping, for me, is difficult. I can't be this crazy, carefree person that wears the same outfit for four days.

I've become more cause-driven as I've got older. Maybe that's a result of having kids; you become less carefree and more worried about things.

A lot of young people think they are not going to die - and that's a great thing about being a young person, is living in this carefree oblivion.

A carefree quality is a whole aspect of life that I will never understand. I don't think I have ever been carefree and can't see the pleasure of it.

My first year with Gothenburg was the most carefree because I was playing on a middle-of-the-table team in Sweden. It was a lot less of the global attention.

I'm from Connecticut. My Mom is an army brat, and my Dad is a navy brat. My childhood was fun. My parents are still together. My childhood was pretty carefree.

Honestly, my favorite kind of dancing is just lettin' loose. There's something great about the carefree flinging of your body to great music. It can be so joyous.

I've always thrown myself into love in a rather carefree way, and the net result is that you do get hurt. But I wouldn't take away any of the experiences of my life.

When I first came into the WWE I enjoyed working with Candice Michelle, a girl who was a model and seemed to live a carefree life and worked really hard to become a WWE Diva.

Men couldn't care less if your strands are perfectly styled and neat. In fact, he might like you more with some wildness or bedhead, since it shows you're carefree and relaxed.

I grew up as this very carefree, happy kid then things turned darker for me. Maybe it was because I saw that the world wasn't as happy a place as I had hoped it would be for me.

In my solitude, many miles from men and houses, I am in a childishly happy and carefree state of mind, which you are incapable of understanding unless someone explains it to you.

I had a stick of CareFree gum, but it didn't work. I felt pretty good while I was blowing that bubble, but as soon as the gum lost its flavor, I was back to pondering my mortality.

Jungle Kitty is one of the colors of my persona that allows me to be free, allows to be untamed, allows me to have fun and let loose and be ferocious, raw, unapologetic, and carefree.

Whether couched in terms of envy, admiration, or derision, celebrity fascination begins as an exercise in imagining what it would be like to lead a more carefree and pleasurable life.

A single overstatement, wherever or however it occurs, diminishes the whole, and a carefree superlative has the power to destroy, for the reader, the object of the writer's enthusiasm.

When it comes to love, making long-term decisions is a risky business. Sooner or later, most of us decide to leave our carefree bachelor or bachelorette days behind us and settle down.

I am not carefree. I'm just not. I experience an immense amount of joy, a crazy amount of joy through sadness and so much struggle. There's something problematic about 'carefree black girl.'

If we'd had another carefree 70's, I'd have been dead. It was a little too carefree, you know? I don't know how carefree they were for me, I think I was worried then, I can't remember what about.

When Jennifer Lawrence says it's 'dumb' to go hungry to make other people happy, she's saying it with the carefree attitude of a woman who probably will never have to make that choice to conform.

I can be a little messy and wild and carefree with my creativity as a solo artist. In a group, there's a certain structure, and everyone has a part to play, and being a solo artist, I can do as I please.

I was on my bike, cycling to Stanford, and it struck me that a week had gone by without my having a phone. And everything was just fine. Better than fine, actually. I felt more relaxed, carefree, happier.

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