I was lucky to have been born with cheekbones.

Sheer luck. I was lucky to have been born with cheekbones.

I don't wake up with naturally sculpted cheekbones - I paint them on!

I was skinny as a rail and had high cheekbones and a very interesting face - or so I was told.

Contouring is like my favorite thing ever because you can get cheekbones even if you don't have them.

If I show you pictures of my grandmother, what you see is these eyes - cat eyes - and high cheekbones.

The proper eyebrows can balance wide cheekbones or make the length of the face appear more proportionate.

I did try fillers once. Don't ever have fillers because when your cheekbones are high, it's chipmunk time.

I tap my fingers and cheekbones before going on stage to calm down. But nerves are necessary; if you ever lose them, it's a bad sign.

Any filmmakers out there want a Welshman with sharp cheekbones and wonky teeth to play the love interest in their movie, give me a call.

On the red carpet, one tip is to suck in your cheekbones - apparently it looks better on camera. I don't know, though; I think a nice smile is best.

I like to do my contour the bronzy kind of way so it is not too strong and you can see the highlights on the cheekbones. I use bronzer as my contour.

Trump is most fun to draw - just a great mash of caricature-able features, from bouffant to eyebrows and scowl, to the high cheekbones and the regal pride.

I look so much like my dad - same chin, same cheekbones, same forehead - and I play a little like him too. But I am my mother's son. I am who I am because of her.

I'm the worst. I get on my Instagram, put up a picture of my face looking all cheekbones and blue steel, and get massive dopamine hits when I see the likes come in.

I'm not even a little bit talented at the red-carpet makeup thing, but recently I did learn how to give myself dramatic-looking eyes and how to contour my cheekbones.

I get described as 'interesting' a lot. People often call me odd, too. Maybe they mean ugly. Given the services of a plastic surgeon, I would get a pair of cheekbones.

Botox and other fillers make everybody look the same, with the big cheekbones where they fill you up. It's much cheaper to have a fringe - it takes years off everybody.

I'm very genetically blessed; I cannot deny it, but I work hard at keeping myself together. Yes, I have nice cheekbones and skinny legs, but I can't take any credit for it.

I talk to my mom about six times a day, and we constantly email in between that. People say that I'm her twin. I guess it would be the Kennedy genes; my cheekbones are coming out.

As a model, we come in the room, and we are casted just on our looks. I think I'm funny; I think I'm clever. But in the end, they're picking me for my cheekbones or if I'm tall enough.

The first time I ask him, have you had your cheekbones raised, have you had your nose changed? He denied it all. I was asking him to compare his face with what it looked like years ago.

Sherlock' changed the perception of me. I have these cheekbones and this face that suggest very middle-class or period-drama roles. I want to show everyone there's much more to me than Irene Adler.

My mother, at sixty, is one of those classic beauties: all neck and cheekbones, sharp lines that hide her wrinkles from a distance. She still gets whistles from construction workers from three stories up.

I'm so not scary. I'm a pussycat. But what are you going to do, right? I mean, these cheekbones, and I guess these eyes, and the big nose... this is what my momma and my poppa gave to me, and that's the deal.

I'm minimalistic when it comes to makeup, so I'm a sucker for anything that's multi-tasking. Aquaphor is my go-to product. It's great for adding gloss to eyes and cheekbones, and amazing for soothing dry cuticles, too.

Try driving the streets of Los Angeles without seeing a billboard depicting a film with a lead actor holding a gun. It's almost as if guns are harmless props used to bring out the cheekbones and jawline of the screen star.

I think I was quite difficult to cast when I was in my twenties because I never looked like Cameron Diaz. I'm not talking myself down, but I was never going to be the romantic lead in a Hollywood blockbuster. You need better cheekbones and longer legs.

You know, I do not think it is necessarily looks, I do not think I am the prettiest girl... Everyone has something that is their asset, some have the hair, some have the cheekbones, others have the lips. But once you know what is your asset, then you should capitalize on it.

I changed my thinking on the whole subject of what it is to be attractive. It's fine, but I know that ultimately what I am and who I am is not cheekbones and a jawline, if you catch my drift. I ultimately know that who I am is not directly proportional to abs or straight teeth.

The singular point of beautiful objects, and people, is that they are experienced not as parts, or ratios between cheekbones and chin, but as wholes. The experience of beauty is a perception, but it is one that mixes up various other sensations and makes them converge in a particular way.

I am fortunate in having this bone structure because I have a tremendously prominent temple. I like to think that's it's because I'm so intelligent. People say: 'You haven't got a line on your forehead.' I do. It's just the bones are holding them all out, and the cheekbones are holding my face up.

Starting in my 20s, I couldn't wait to look like Anna Magnani or Isabelle Huppert, all these great European actresses - Charlotte Rampling - the cheekbones and the heavy lidded eyes and the dark circles under the eyes, you know. So around 42/44, I started getting a little character on my face, and I was so glad.

Ethnically, Tuareg describe themselves as white. And they don't look Arab or black. Many Tuareg have light skin, light eyes and sharp angular noses and cheekbones. They are cousins of the Berbers of North Africa. Some legends say the Tuareg are the decedents of an ancient Roman legion that disappeared into the desert two millennia ago.

I love being brown, so I love using Guerlain Terracotta Bronzing Powder. I use it everywhere: my forehead, my cheekbones, a little bit by my chin. It gives me a golden balance that I really like. I also use the Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector for my highlighter right underneath my eye. It's a pretty color - it's not too much and not too little.

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