We were the choir nerds.

I sang in choir as a kid.

I was in choir [at school].

I was the star of the choir.

I was a choir boy my whole life.

I like choir music. I sincerely do!

I was in show choir in high school.

I grew up singing in a church choir.

As a kid, I sang in the school choir.

I was an altar boy and a choir member.

We had a nine-piece choir on 'Aw Yeah.'

We don't live. We're miming in the choir.

I was definitely a choir and theater geek.

People love to hear the choir sing the hymns.

If you join a choir, it's a wonderful outlet.

When I tweet, I'm mostly preaching to the choir.

I always went to Sunday school, sang in the choir.

I'm a choir girl gone horribly, desperately wrong.

I started singing in a choir when I was 4 years old.

My mom sang in high school choir and so did my father.

I like to sing with my cousins. We're in a church choir.

The family of God is the choir, and God is their audience.

There are probably limits on what the choir can sing well.

I have a choir in my church, and we travel all over the world.

So let me be thy choir, and make a moan Upon the midnight hours.

You're a free-standing landing pad held together by choir claps.

I was in this boys' choir for five years, when I was 10 until 15.

All my voice training comes from choir and small ensemble singing.

I was president of the show choir, I was kind of a geek, whatever.

When people ask what's on my iPod, it's the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

I was in the choir before. I don't know if a lot of people know that.

I've taught Sunday school, I've sung in the choir, I directed a choir.

Most people think that Heaven is a choir, and all you will do is sing.

I started out singing in high school in the choir and in a garage band.

When you're in a choir, it's about blending into how everyone else sounds.

You don't go to church and tell the choir how to sing if you're a visitor.

I did choir in high school, but I didn't sing professionally anywhere ever.

I grew up singing in the church choir, but I've not really had any training.

So shall I join the choir invisible Whose music is the gladness of the world.

I sang in the choir for years, even though my family belonged to another church.

I belong to a gospel choir. They know I am an atheist but they are very tolerant.

I was in a choir at school and we were part of the BBC Proms back in around 2002.

The first time I sang in the church choir; two hundred people changed their religion.

I was a choir boy for 3 years in high school at St. George's in Newport, Rhode Island.

Like a lot of artists, I started out as a singer in my church choir when I was a child.

To hear the Treorchy Male Choir in full throat is one of the great joys of choral music.

I was always getting told off by my choir teacher for, you know, riffing when I shouldn't.

Ya know it was a toss-up whether I go in for diamonds or sing in the choir. The choir lost.

I sang in church choir all my life, through elementary school, junior high and high school.

As a child, I had lived many years in Southampton and sang in the choir of the Dune Church.

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