I like the classics!

My songs are classics.

You don't do classics with a Texas accent.

I'd read a classics book on the bus when I was at York.

Negative books can be bestsellers, but seldom classics.

I wanted to be a serious actress and do all the classics.

England is a mecca for actors who want to do the classics.

I'm not into trends, but more enduring classics and styles.

You have to know the classics if you want to cook modern food.

I start each collection thinking how I can refresh my classics.

I played Hamlet, I played Chekhov and Ibsen and all the classics.

It's so important your customer can rely on you for your classics.

I was raised on the classics - Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, and others.

I'm more comfortable weaving Indian flavors into American classics.

Oh, when I was a kid, I was raised up with all the Disney classics.

I'm sort of nerdy, I liked Shakespeare and Chekhov and the classics.

I'm a fan of originals and classics, but I'm also a fan of new ideas.

I like all kinds of music, though I tend to prefer jazz and classics.

I kinda go for the Jane Eyre type of film. I am fascinated by classics.

Periodically, I return to the classics for inspiration and refreshment.

Every man with a bellyful of the classics is an enemy to the human race.

I loved every minute of my three years majoring in classics at Berkeley.

I like all kinds of music, be it old Hindi movie songs or English classics.

I don't read a great deal of fiction, to my shame, other than the classics.

I can trace my interest in modern classics to the summer before art college.

Even in Hollywood, filmmakers are re-creating classics at regular intervals.

Paperbacks of those we deem classics should be cheap and sold at supermarkets.

Classics stay alive because a great actor or a great director wants to do them.

I didn't want to be a catcher. It was thrust upon me, as they say in the classics.

I not only read Raymond Chandler but read all the crime fiction classics. I was hooked.

I like a lot of movies. I like all types of genres. I like the classics - comedy, action.

There's no question that Whale's movies are classics. They were wonderful, and successful.

In my high-minded and naive way, I believed the only books worth reading were the classics.

Songs like Reach and S Club Party are pop classics. I'm really proud that I had a part in them.

I like classics but I always add a twist because I don't like to think of my clothes as classic.

I believe in classics. I like keeping it simple, whether its colours, cuts, or the outfits I wear.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an actor in classics like Shaw and Shakespeare and Chekov and Ibsen.

When I was 20 I was immensely proud of the rows of grey-spined Penguin Modern Classics in my bookcase.

I present classics in an unfamiliar way or unfamiliar ingredients and preparations in a classical way.

I absolutely love genre movies. When I was a kid, I was really impacted by genre films and cult classics.

Some of my favorites are the classics like 'What They Do,' 'Proceed,' 'You Got Me,' and 'Silent Treatment.'

Classics can be phenomenal when done right. A simple roast chicken dish could be the best thing you ever eat.

Along with 'Wet Hot American Summer' and 'The Room,' 'Lebowski' belongs in the canon of nouveau cult classics.

I am a huge Mel Brooks fan. And I do think that not seeing his canon of classics is a bit criminal or clueless.

In science, read by preference the newest works. In literature, read the oldest. The classics are always modern.

I loved watching classics such as 'Casablanca' and goofball comedies such as 'How To Murder Your Wife' on WGN-TV.

My mum is great for keeping hold of old classics - pieces of clothing that never age and never go out of fashion.

We don't teach kids how to think anymore. We're getting rid of the classics - high school is all about self-esteem.

In the schools of the Western countries, there is always the subject 'Religion.' The Classics are China's religion.

Classics are constantly being re-imagined and transformed, and the originals are none the worse for it; they endure.

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