Greatness starts with a clear vision of the future.

You have to give the soldiers, the Army, a clear vision.

Unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything.

I've always had a very clear vision of what I wanted to do.

We are immersed in beauty, but our eyes have no clear vision.

I think it helps if you have a clear vision of what you want.

Kyle Baker's work is really funny, but it's also got a very clear vision

Kyle Baker's work is really funny, but it's also got a very clear vision.

You could make a film out of just about anything so long as there is a clear vision about the story.

I think my music has connected with the audience because I always have a clear vision about my songs.

Keeping people fired up starts with having a really clear vision for what the company is aiming to do.

I had a clear vision: if I take up an assignment, I'll do full justice to it; otherwise I'll walk away.

I always knew what I wanted, and I always had a very clear vision for myself and my career as an artist.

I have a very clear vision, and I come from film, where director is God, so if there's a clash, it's painful.

When we're young we have a very clear vision of how life is supposed to be, and it all seems very neatly packaged.

What I look for in a director is a strong point of view, a clear vision, and an ability to multitask and make decisions on the fly.

I have a very clear vision as to what I want at the end of my prep, and then I throw it out and let the creative process take over.

Give to us clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for - because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything.

He has such a clear vision of exactly what he wanted out of each character, out of each set, out of each wardrobe change, out of each emotional beat, and action.

Whether people agree or disagree with the decisions an actor makes after their Disney tenure, every alum has a clear vision of how they want their career to pan out.

When there's a clear vision, and you've got the creative teams working toward that goal, each on their own, it can then come together quite elegantly at the endpoint.

The two are not mutually exclusive, but we think we can have wealth without good ideas and without values and without a clear vision. Wealth without vision is insanity.

The only way to predict if there's a cloud on your horizon due to glaucoma is to get tested. No matter what the diagnosis, the forecast is for clear vision in the years ahead.

Hell begins on the day when God grants us a clear vision of all that we might have achieved, of all the gifts which we have wasted, of all that we might have done which we did not do.

I had a very clear vision. If Indians start consuming power like the Americans, the world will run out of resources. Either you stop India from developing, or you find some alternate solution.

Marchionne has a clear vision of what F1 should represent for Ferrari, which is a purist sport that isn't a shopping channel. I would strongly encourage the sport's stakeholders not to provoke him.

Having drive is a big part of success, along with integrity. You need to have a clear vision of what you want and take the steps to achieve it, even if that sometimes means playing gigs in tiny clubs.

Whenever we've seen the kids in the most disadvantaged context truly excel, always it's been in classrooms and in whole schools where there is a clear vision of where the kids have the potential to be.

In many traditions, hawks are sacred: Apollo's messengers for the Greeks, sun symbols for the ancient Egyptians and, in the case of the Lakota Sioux, embodiments of clear vision, speed and single-minded dedication.

If you do not have an absolutely clear vision of something, where you can follow the light to the end of the tunnel, then it doesn't matter whether you're bold or cowardly, or whether you're stupid or intelligent. Doesn't get you anywhere.

For me, a happy ending is not everything works out just right and there is a big bow, it's more coming to a place where a person has a clear vision of his or her own life in a way that enables them to kind of throw down their crutches and walk.

The German car industry has a clear vision of the necessity of stability in the continent that goes beyond selling cars. For Germany, the economy is an instrument in a much wider issue of stability in continental Europe and overcoming the mistakes of the past.

I think I always dreamt of having a brand that really was represented globally, that had a voice - that had a clear voice and a clear vision that made women feel great about themselves. That really spoke to women on a personal level. And that women could wear.

I loved everything about my wedding look, but, in retrospect, I would have changed the position of where we attached the veil on my head. Make sure you test a few different placements and styles before the big day to make a clear vision and plan with your hairstylist.

I think whenever you come in, whenever you try to evolve a company, people will get nervous. But, if you articulate a clear vision, a clear mission to help them understand their roles in it and ask them to buy into the system, everyone will band together to make it happen.

A good leader, in my view, should have a clear vision of the future they want and the society they need to build. They must also have a connection with the people who work for them and be able to mobilise their best energies to create teams where people can be most creative and happy.

The energy transition demands a clear vision of the steps that need to be taken and a stable, meaningful regulatory framework. It appears important to us to awaken public opinion to the fact that this transition will necessarily come at a cost and will, at least in the short term, involve a price increase.

I think it is fair to say that during World War II there was a high sense of purpose. The country had a very clear vision of its own standing, of its own morality. It was not an ambiguous time. Today, we live in a world that is highly ambiguous, very fractured, with many of the historical, traditional values in a state of collapse, really.

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