I am trying to get closer to God.

We're getting closer to our nature.

Music is closer to poetry than anything.

We approach closer and closer to socialism.

You have to have a short memory as a closer.

Love is the opener as well as closer of eyes.

I hover closer to earth than I do the clouds.

My favorite movie is 'Closer' and 'Love Story.'

Language is much closer to film than painting is.

Joy's smile is much closer to tears than laughter.

I'm closer to Bob Newhart than Rodney Dangerfield.

Mobile is a lot closer to TV than it is to desktop.

Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.

A celebrated people lose dignity upon a closer view.

St. Louis is closer to Minneapolis than Milwaukee is.

My sense of humor lies a little closer to the middle.

It's always good news when you're closer to the truth.

It is good to get the racing closer to the spectators.

All my life, my heart has felt closer to rock n' roll.

As I get older, my emotions are closer to the surface.

The closer you are to technology, the more you trust it.

I keep my politics a little closer to me than others do.

Every 'no' I ever received was an inch closer to a 'yes.'

If you have a secret, people will sit a little bit closer.

My relationship with my sister is closer than white on rice.

The Internet can bring us much closer to the developed world.

I like thrillers. My style of movies are closer to thrillers.

If I held you any closer I would be on the other side of you.

Making films has been kind of my way of getting closer to God.

For me, spiritual practice is a lot closer to art than science.

Each time I free a child, I feel it is something closer to God.

Originally, I think basketball is closer to hockey than baseball.

I look at it logically. We need four wins. We're one step closer.

The challenging times will bring you closer together in marriage.

Once you get older, you get a little closer to yourself, intimate.

The closer we come to the negative, to death, the more we blossom.

He once had his toes amputated so he could stand closer to the bar.

I realize in every year I don't win a title, I'm closer to retiring.

I'm deeply involved in making the race closer and tighter and safer.

Anything that does not draw us closer to God takes us away from him.

Depressions may bring people closer to the church but so do funerals.

My heart is closer to acting than singing. It's always been that way.

We're closer to HBO than we are to the entire grid of cable on demand.

Were we closer to the ground as children, or is the grass emptier now?

Families can get torn apart and never recover or they grow even closer.

My imagination is closer to a child's imagination than to a grown-up's.

Art cinema is easier to do as situations in it are closer to real life.

Some of your teachers are actually closer in age to you than you think.

I find the closer you get to people, the harder it is to satirise them.

Gospel music allows us to become closer to God and closer to each other.

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