Chelsea is one of the best clubs in the world, so I don't see why I would think of leaving.

Right after liberal Democrats, the most dangerous politicians are country club Republicans.

I've always liked Atlanta. And not just for the strip clubs, but the shopping and the food.

Nice, the club where I started my career in 1983, want me to see out my playing days there.

Id rather be selling groundnuts in my village than play for a pathetic club like Chelsea FC

If I swung the gavel the way I swung that golf club, the nation would be in a helluva mess.

I go to a club to relax and hear the music on a big sound system. I don't go to pull a guy.

I'd be the outsider gal who undergoes a makeover in the end [in the 'The Breakfast Club' ].

Private, accidental, confidential conversation breeds thought. Clubs produce oftener words.

That's where it all started for me, in clubs and bars, and I don't ever wanna outgrow that.

Every club he's been to has had great injury crises. Every club. And it's always hamstrings.

I am a regular for one of the biggest clubs in Europe, and I want to progress still further.

We'll always play different venues. We'll play small clubs or stadiums or things in between.

At the top level you know most things about the best clubs, there aren't too many surprises.

Curing yourself of obsessive compulsive disorder by going to a strip club is pretty strange.

Join The 5 am Club. Your most valuable hours are 5am-8am. They have the least interruptions.

Breakfast Club was great because we had a real rehearsal, and we shot primarily in sequence.

No it wasn't at the time cause you have to remember, I had been playing clubs since I was 13.

It gives me great pleasure to see my name linked with clubs like Manchester United and Milan.

It's nice to walk into a club and see your picture. Then you know you've done something good.

People don't come to a comedy club simply to hear someone's thoughts, no matter how profound.

Now I get exposure first with people directly in the clubs. This is a unique situation for me.

I have no problem paying my dues and I have no problem going out and working the club circuit.

So I took it as a very positive sign that the club came to me rather than the other way round.

My dad was a scratch golfer growing up. When I'm on the road, I always bring my clubs with me.

Our conscience, our faith, our local community, even our online hobby clubs - all civilize us.

I am delighted to have signed for Manchester United, one of the most famous clubs in the world.

Only the very best clubs are able to pass the baton of continuity down through the generations.

I don't think in the big clubs in Europe you can find three strikers with an average age of 20.

I've seen 18 managers go at the clubs I've been playing for. It's a part of football, isn't it?

The darkness of clubs makes me feel much more secure, and you can hide behind smoke and lights.

I was a born club comic. Radio and TV and stage were fine, but I found my real home in cabaret.

Every player is free to decide over their future, just like the clubs can decide who they keep.

Songs like Reach and S Club Party are pop classics. I'm really proud that I had a part in them.

What you know is a club for yourself, and what you don't know is a meat-ax for the other fellow.

I don't like to go out to clubs, because I find myself seeing remnants of drugs in the bathroom.

I spent most of my youth in Manchester, in clubs and football grounds and the Manchester Apollo.

As club captain all I want to do is help us get back up the table and into the Champions League.

After a decade in a club it's quite normal and necessary that you seek and take a new challenge.

I like dropping into a small club and playing with some people, trying to help them get a start.

Celtic supporters want to be proud of their Club. That's all they want. It is what they deserve.

I was born and bred in Coventry. I played for the club as well, so that's where my liaisons lie.

My CD, my first release, was at the Comedy Works in Denver, one of the best clubs in the country.

Bobby Troup and I have been working together for about a year in clubs. We work in the same club.

Strip clubs are great places to meet interesting people you only wanna know for about 40 minutes.

Our club captain Gary Neville's been out for a year now, but Giggsy has taken up the mantelpiece.

People can say the money doesn't really matter but it does show you how much a club respects you.

Man United is one of the biggest clubs in the world, and we're going to attract the best players.

If I'm going to make music for the streets or the clubs or whatever, I go at it with 110 percent.

Jasper? What do vampires do for bachelor parties? You're not taking him to a strip club, are you?

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