Doing linear scans over an associative array is like trying to club someone to death with a loaded Uzi.

When you go to clubs in London there are loads of good-looking blokes, and I feel like a bit of a minger

I cannot starve myself. I'm a foodie! I make fabulous pastas, Indian food, parathas and club sandwiches!

I'm essentially starting at the bottom of the food chain and playing the small clubs and intimate shows.

I'd like to continue doing movies, clubs, concert halls and television. I like something about each one.

I get recognised, but I'm not the sort of person who frequents popular clubs. I try to keep out of that.

All the records I've made have pretty much been big club turntable records. You need to feel the rhythm.

There's so much you can learn from being on a big tour and so much you can learn from being in the clubs.

I want to do this for a long time; I want people to be saying, 'What is he doing still playing in clubs?'

Man's inhumanity toward man is astounding, and I'm just talking about the lineup at certain comedy clubs.

I'm happy here, and why change when you love the club and the club's in a really good position right now.

When you wear the jersey of some clubs, you have this pressure every day. It's not the case in Tottenham.

Decision making is always top of the tree when it comes to the big football clubs and where it takes you.

Always throw your clubs ahead of you. That way you don't have to waste energy going back to pick them up.

Clubs like Manchester United or Barcelona have a system, and then you hire personnel who fit this system.

In some of the L.A. clubs, people can act too cool to get into your music. That can get to be a bit much.

Marijuana? It's harmless really, unless you fashion it into a club and beat somebody over the head with it

People bring camera phones into comedy shows and clubs and concerts, and sound bites never come out right.

I was in every club and extra-curricular activity at high school, and I was in the National Honor Society.

The other raised his club and attacked L, who inexpliciably fell over on his back like an overturned frog.

There's not many Premier League clubs as big as Sunderland, with their fanbase and stadium and facilities.

The only thing Chelsea and Manchester City have in common is the fact that both clubs have a lot of money.

Van Basten went directly to the national team without coaching any other clubs. It's not the norm in Italy.

That was a continuance of what we have seen most of the season - that is, various clubs beating each other.

I chose Chelsea because I always wanted to play in Europe for one of the biggest clubs. And I'm glad I did.

Everton are a bigger club than Liverpool. Everywhere you go on Merseyside you bump into Everton supporters.

I go in and sing the song and arrange it and mix it and that's it. It's no different than playing in clubs.

I started out in clubs, and I've always liked clubs. I like theaters because people are there for the show.

I'm prepared to spend the rest of my life playing clubs, if that means I'm playing music that I believe in.

I know you can be fined for throwing a club, but I want to know if you can get fined for throwing a caddie?

I'm not confident with the ladies. I can't just ask someone out in a club. I'd like to say I'm a gentleman.

The original Mickey Mouse Club, established in the '30s, was designed to attract children to movie theaters.

It's true there were a lot of clubs interested in me - I had talks with some of the biggest clubs in Europe.

The economics of baseball are the big problem. The big clubs make a lot of money and the little clubs don't.

We are no more free agents than the queen of clubs when she victoriously takes prisoner the knave of hearts.

Any of the the 30 ball clubs have a chance at success, and the fans know that. It keeps everything exciting.

I don't care about the clubs, I don't care about the radio, all I care about is getting my digital downloads.

In New York there used to be some very good clubs with amazing sound systems. Techno was part of the process.

To be realistic, the big Dutch clubs cannot afford me. That's not because of my wages; it's the transfer fee.

If Milan agrees to let me go, and if there's an agreement between the clubs, I would love to play for Madrid.

The destruction of all Shadowhunters' said Scott. 'I rather thought you knew that. It isn't a gardening club.

I can see myself staying at Blackburn for the rest of my career - unless I move to another club at some stage

I feel like I have reached the stage where I can no longer produce for my club, my manager, and my teammates.

Where would I go from Liverpool? It is one of the biggest clubs in the world and I am too happy here to move.

One cannot in the nature of things expect a little tree that has been turned into a club to put forth leaves.

Some of my songs are turnt up, but that's just 'cause I have to make 'em like that so the clubs can play them.

I'm a lucky guy because I always play for a big club, and big clubs always try to win titles, and I love that.

I could have rolled the ball up there against Musial, and he would have pulled out a golf club and hit it out.

Having that Christian base keeps me focused on what I have to do. It keeps me out of the clubs and in the gym.

I need to get better with my 3-wood and hybrid. Those are the clubs I missed the majority of my fairways with.

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