There aren't very many clubs. There's no place for people to develop and play.

When I got old enough to go to night clubs to hear that music at the age of 15.

My dear friend Jimmie Dodd was the heart and the soul of The Mickey Mouse Club.

Most clubs would actually like homegrown players because they're a lot cheaper.

I don't want to join the kind of a club that accepts people like me as members.

Top of my wish list is to play for a club that wants me to be their goalkeeper.

In Germany, too many clubs are too scared of Bayern, both on and off the pitch.

You want to win things and I am at a club where we have the players to do that.

When he come up in the club he be blazin up Got stacks on deck like he savin up

I'd like to play for Newcastle United before I retire. The club is in my blood.

When you represent a club it's about values and qualities, not about passports.

The time I've spent in professional Premiership club rugby has been invaluable.

I like teams which repeat their style, clubs that are synonymous with one style.

Even for great players, things don't go well at certain clubs and that's normal.

I think my favorite part about being on the road is that it's like a boys' club.

I couldn't speak enough Spanish. I couldn't make myself understood on that club.

Men do not greet one another like this ... except perhaps at rugby club dinners.

Your first impulse is to share good news, your second is to club someone with it.

I was always most of the time working in clubs as player and coach to win titles.

If you're not part of that club, as I certainly am not, you are not presidential.

Ask any player: we all want to play in the best clubs and the best championships.

Obviously, there are many clubs that make me dream, like Real Madrid or Barcelona.

I thought I had an appetite for destruction, but all I wanted was a club sandwich.

You may not even realize how much your off-the-rack clubs are affecting your game.

A new club is like having a new girlfriend – you don't have feelings straight away

I started gigging when I was about 16, and I was way too young to be in the clubs.

Farmers have more Associations, and Bureaus, and Clubs, than they have pitchforks.

You can't get in the top four if you can't beat the clubs who are in the top four.

Liverpool is a massive club and has obviously been very successful over the years.

If he's got golf clubs in his truck or a camper in his driveway, I don't hire him.

Compared to other clubs, what we've achieved under Gerard Houllier is exceptional.

We started playing 'Free Bird' in clubs, and initially, it was just a slow ballad.

We know that we have achieved something important for the club and for Villarreal.

I would never join a country club with standards so low as to allow me as a member.

On a personal level, I have no hard feelings towards the clubs that didn't want me.

There's a place in Paris where I'd like to work one day. It's called the Slow Club.

I want to see the Doncaster Rovers supporters get the club the success it deserves.

When I was growing up, I would go hang out with older guys at night in blues clubs.

If success is about winning the league, there will always be 19 disappointed clubs.

The world that I come from is the world of raves, hip-hop clubs, and rock and roll.

I had my jazz club and I had enough money. So I didn't have to write for my living.

I am absolutely delighted at the prospect of joining a world famous club like Inter.

I did 'Formula 51' because I got to run around Liverpool in a kilt, with golf clubs.

I would never wanna belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member.

Just because a club says a player is not for sale, it doesn't necessarily mean that.

The only club I have ever belonged to is the James Bond fan club. Member since 1979.

No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide.

Comedy clubs are arguably one of the last bastions of uncensored, public free speech.

Making a breakthrough at the big clubs, a lot of it is down to luck with your timing.

The mandate of financial fair play in Europe is for clubs to live within their means.

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