Nirvana is a very exclusive club - no one is in it.

I love being around gay people, going to gay clubs.

At clubs like Liverpool, great players come and go.

I don't get pictures taken of me when I leave clubs.

At clubs with constant media attention it is harder.

I think there should be bad blood between all clubs.

Nicaragua is fast becoming a terrorist country club.

I won't belong to a club that accepts me as a member

If I was at the club you know I balled(bald), CHEMO.

That is football. In the end, all clubs spend money.

Now I can make a thousand dollars a night at a club.

I have respect for all the clubs I used to play for.

I've only played for Watford, so I'm a one-man club.

There's a small club of women who are willing to age.

Republicans go to Sam’s Club, Democrats go to Costco.

Fandom is about fandom, it's a great big social club.

I don't wanna join the Hair Club For Men or anything.

We'd played for years to half-empty clubs in England.

A perfectly straight shot with a big club is a fluke.

In big clubs, you always have competitions for places.

I belonged to another club, and liked the camaraderie.

When I watch the Champions League, we see great clubs.

The touch of time does more than the club of Hercules.

I'm not going into the cool club. It's not my address.

I will not join any club who will take me as a member.

Everyone hates the best clubs, it is as simple as that.

Hey, I wasn’t a weirdo. I was in the audio-visual club.

You’ll have your own superhero club before you know it.

I think book clubs should read more contemporary poetry.

I club the thing over the head and that's the end of it.

Never have a club in your bag that you're afraid to hit.

This is the Homosexuality Is An Abomination Club, right?

My twerking skills are for the bedroom, not for the club.

My deepest respect to the clubs who considered having me.

Being in a club - clubs are, like, not my favorite thing.

God will protect us, but to make sure, carry a heavy club

The DC Improv food is amazingly edible for a comedy club.

I don't play well enough to be allowed to throw my clubs.

It's been my life, Tottenham Hotspur, and I love the club.

Chelsea is one of the biggest football clubs in the world.

There has to be a better use for titanium than golf clubs.

Comedy clubs are sacred ground. That's where anything goes.

I have always applied myself the same for club and country.

Arsenal's past appeals to me - I like clubs with a history.

It's tough to leave one of the greatest clubs in the world.

There are few places more lonely than a crowded night club.

I don't hang out. I don't go to clubs, ever. I don't party.

Pressure, responsibility - I'm used to playing in big clubs.

Every few months I'll pop into a comedy club or go to Vegas.

Am I not turtley enough for the Turtle Club? Turtle! Turtle!

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