I enjoy music that is commercial.

I want to make sensible commercial films.

There is no bird flu in commercial stocks.

My first thing was a McDonald's commercial.

My first acting job was a Breck commercial.

I would never put my songs in a commercial.

My mom put me in a Pampers commercial on TV.

Radio is commercial, isn't it. Its a business.

I'm a commercial artist, both in music and art.

I'm not averse to being in big commercial films.

My first commercial was for Miller High Life beer.

My first audition was for a Dr. Pepper commercial.

I come from a mother who can cry at a G.E. commercial.

I can be accused of trying to be commercial sometimes.

I was very lucky. I started my own commercial company.

As a viewer, I will go and watch only commercial films.

The only thing that exists to me is commercial pop music.

I worked at all kinds of jobs, mostly commercial editing.

Commercial success and quality are not necessarily allied.

I am not ready to fit into the mould of commercial cinema.

I'm no longer interested in being in big commercial films.

Almost all of my business flights are commercial, not private.

I never bought the commercial thing, at any stage of the game.

I want to make something commercial that people can pick up on.

I would love to do a commercial film. But my hero is the script.

Some people misconstrue our band just to be a commercial venture.

I don't really think about the critics or the commercial success.

I don't feel I'm making a conscious effort to go more commercial.

I think this song, 'Ioniq,' is the best song for commercial music.

We're going to see a very, very commercial kind of picture-making.

Commercial fishermen are the greediest, stupidest people on earth.

Yes, I am a pilot. I am a flight instructor and a commercial pilot.

It's not always about huge giant commercial success. It's about art.

Commercial shackles are generally unjust, oppressive, and impolitic.

It turned out it was really easy to create commercial stock footage.

I'm singing the music publisher's theme song - it ain't a commercial.

You want to have stability in the commercial aspect of your operation.

Well, the stuff that has become more commercial doesn't have any edge.

I would never do a commercial if I thought it was offensive to anyone.

Today the American knight holds the commercial supremacy of the world.

I got my SAG card doing a Kentucky Fried Chicken commercial in Chicago.

Storage problems make neon signs the most ephemeral of commercial arts.

I have a very commercial appetite. I don't like to do high-brow things.

Maoris now own over half the commercial fishing industry in New Zealand.

We try some really interesting things besides being outright commercial.

Dad is in commercial real estate. Mom is a writer and a retired teacher.

Commercial television has underestimated the intelligence of the public.

We're making a commercial Hindi film catering to all types of audiences.

I think we are at the dawn of a new era in commercial space exploration.

We do not let our music get used in commercials for commercial products.

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