I love Comic Con.

Actors are con men and con men are actors.

You name the TV psychic - they're con men.

I'm all about 'molde de arroz con picadillo'.

I'm not being outspoken or pro or con abortion.

I'm not someone who's gone to Comic Con as a devotee.

Comic Con has become a very relevant venue for all films.

Let's face it - Donald Trump is a very, very good con man.

I love a sexy caper show, and I love shows about con artists.

Jyoti Basu is the biggest fraud, cheat, and con man in West Bengal.

If 'pro' is the opposite of 'con' what is the opposite of 'progress'?

A tax cut to compensate for a tax increase is not a cut - it's a con.

This is the ultimate con game - I'm having fun and people pay me to do it.

My father was a good man, but he was a con man. He was a wanderer, nomadic.

Film school is a complete con, because the information is there if you want it.

That's the great thing about Comic Con - people are so accepting of one another.

I've always loved movies about con men. I think con men are as American as apple pie.

To some it is Napoleon, to some it is a philosophical struggle, to me it is allegro con brio.

When I was 23, I moved to Australia to be with this 43-year-old con artist I fell in love with.

When people write about me, they usually start off with the headline 'World's Greatest Con Man.'

My brain knows best-before dates are a con; my panicky gut treats them like a nuclear countdown.

I was presented as a con and a fraud and a liar. I think some of the treatment was pretty cruel.

Trump is a masterful con man, he's always trying to squeeze a little more juice out of his marks.

I enjoyed retirement the right way... linguine con vongole, red wine and plenty of truffle cheese.

You can sit in a room and create anything you want on a laptop. That's why the real con men are gone.

The name 'con artist' really does capture it. They're artists, and I have admiration for all artists.

I think I'm just a comedian who's a pretty good con man, and I don't see that changing any time soon.

Can't you read? The score demands 'con amore', and what are you doing? You are playing it like married men!

I don't think I'm a gay icon. I have no axe to grind. I mean, I'm clearly not homophobic! I'm not pro or con.

One of the things about the con artist lifestyle is that all the romance is sort of sloppy and fast and loose.

My mother was a single mom whose days were spent as a customer service rep at Con Edison in downtown Brooklyn.

At school I was always trying to con my teachers into letting me act out book reports instead of writing them.

For the grifter, ripping people off is seldom the point. The grifter is an artiste who invests in the long con.

I'm a con artist in that I'm an actor. I make people believe something is real when they know perfectly well it isn't.

Try and spread a lot of love and affection around the world. The most important thing is not to 'con' the public. Be real.

I'm for conservation, but it's mostly a con. That's the trouble. It's sentimental. Buy an elephant a drink, a lion an acre.

I think anyone who's ever gone through adolescence and wanted something from their parents knows the basic tenets of a con.

If I wanted to lay down a baby con, I could say I was the product of a broken home. But I'd only be bum-rapping my parents.

I like to make Arroz con Gandules, rice with pigeon peas. My husband loves it. It's a Puerto Rican dish my mother taught me.

I want to star in an action-comedy, like 'The Rock' or 'Con Air.' Those are the movies I wanted to star in since I was a kid.

We grew up during the 'peace and love' of the 1960s, only to discover that there are wars everywhere, and love and romance is a con.

My children's favourite thing is to con me into buying them ice-cream if there's not too big a queue at our local gelataria, Messina.

The 'free market' is a creed that stirs up near religious devotion among its believers. It is in fact a con, a myth, a great deception.

It's a big con job. We have sold the myth of Dublin as a sexy place incredibly well; because it is a dreary little dump most of the time.

I've been in fandom for a really long time. Back in the day, you had to go to a con to engage in fandom, and that was really the only way.

I get to act out two roles on 'The Legend of the Blue Sea,' including one as a con man, and so I'll be able to show many diverse sides to me.

The central con of the political coalition assembled by Ronald Reagan and maintained by his successors was that government was a common enemy.

I really don't have a lot in common with the people who attend the Comic Con. It's like assuming that all people who write prose are the same.

John Major put the 'er' back into Conservative, David Cameron's put the 'Con' into Conservative - and Norman Lamont put the 'vat' into Conservative!

Since one of my roles is that of a con man, I actually mingled with a few pickpockets in north Chennai to get a hang of their body language and mindset.

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