Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate.

Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate.

There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of ...

There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.

I'm the best corner in the game!

Nobody puts Roach in the corner.

Amazement awaits us at every corner.

I've got Pat 'HD' Barry in my corner.

We don't know what's around the corner.

The apocalypse is not around the corner.

You never know what's around the corner.

Standing in the corner, it's not my game.

Corner is the easiest three in basketball.

I lived around the corner from Saul Bellow.

I went around the corner to motion pictures.

Podcasts are a lovely corner of the Internet.

I definitely feel I do have God in my corner.

You can never be sure what is around the corner.

No corner of the world is free from group scorn.

I'd rather dance in a corner than dance in a circle.

Your victory is right around the corner. Never give up.

The family has been the corner stone of my success in movies.

No one has a corner on success. It is his who pays the price.

Mahalia Jackson, I grew up around the corner from in Chicago.

When life hits you pretty hard, you can go into a dark corner.

I grew up playing basketball and eating hot dogs on the corner.

Around every corner, always protect the engine that powers you.

My favorite corner in my house is my study and meditation room.

I want my world to get bigger and not end up in a small corner.

I'll just say I'm lucky. I've got the dopest girl in my corner.

An Oscar is a symbol that is known in every corner of the world.

Anything called the Teflon Corner is not sweet for free-soloing.

Maybe I can't write without painting myself into a corner first.

I'm like Jane Austen - I work on the corner of the dining table.

With that corner 3, it's the highest percentage shot in the game.

When I don't feel that I'm good enough, I put myself in a corner.

We need to grow the private sector in every corner of New Mexico.

If there's a kids' corner at a party, that's where you'll find me.

As for myself, you never know what is round the corner in football.

I'm not activist, but I'm not troubled by being in the LGBT corner.

It's quite easy in football when you can bang it into the top corner.

You back a big cat into a corner and somebody is going to get bloody.

Find new ways to spread the word of God to every corner of the world.

Just having the right people in your corner make things a lot easier.

My dad grew up in a little place near Charleston called Moncks Corner.

I'm the guy on the corner that is slightly peculiar but fun and funky.

If you put people in a corner, you see what their character really is.

But I hope that you walk around the corner and you get very surprised.

Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.

I always felt like I needed to be backed up in a corner to push myself.

If I were really being myself. I'd just curl up in the corner and knit.

And all around is the desert; a corner of the mournful kingdom of sand.

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