Up at the crank of dawn.

I still like to make crank calls.

I crank up the music, and I dance around the house.

A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.

Probably you have noted the resemblance of the critic to the crank.

More cranks take up unfashionable errors than unfashionable truths.

I'm not the fastest writer. I can't just crank out ideas that are good enough.

I am discounting the reports of UFOs. Why would they appear only to cranks and weirdos?

And Seinfeld is so quick: we crank out one show a week, and the hours are very reasonable

And Seinfeld is so quick: we crank out one show a week, and the hours are very reasonable.

(Crank theories) always violated the first rule of a scientific model: they were uncheckable.

If we like a man's dream, we call him a reformer; if we don't like his dream, we call him a crank.

I get so many ideas for songs, but I'm so seldom disciplined enough to sit down and crank them out.

Well in the end the world can crank itself up to sanctions, as it has with Zimbabwe, another sad case.

You can't just run through a cookie cutter press and crank out a wrestler that looks like Bill Goldberg.

I'm a Crank. I'm slowly going crazy. I keep wanting to chew off my own fingers and randomly kill people.

When I'm skiing, I listen to electronic music. It's repetitive and let's me get into a groove and crank out the miles.

The humblest praise most, while cranks & malcontents praise least. Praise almost seems to be inner health made audible

Time travel was once considered scientific heresy, and I used to avoid talking about it for fear of being labelled a 'crank.'

You ain't ever gonna get an Academy Award for doing 'Crank,' and you certainly won't for doing all the other movies I've done.

I love how it feels to go into the gym, crank all my favorite music and literally sweat out all of the things that stress me out.

Don't do anyone else's version of a hit song - it's gonna sound terrible. You just have to do what you do well and crank it up to 11.

Once we used to have to crank up our cars, now you can pop it on from inside your house. Everything has changed except how we get freedom.

Believe it or not, I sold my first novel, 'Crank,' with only seventy-five pages complete. It was in verse then, and it was hard-hitting then.

People like 'Crank,' some people like 'Redemption.' I'm just happy to do things that satiate a different part of me, that test me a little bit.

Life gets boring, someone invents another necessity, and once again we turn the crank on the screwjack of progress hoping that nobody gets screwed.

It is easy to be seen as either a genius or a crank. If you have a Ph.D., at least you somewhat lower the chances that you will be seen as a crank.

Pretty much anything you care to imagine can happen in a fantasy, which in turn means you can really crank up the intensity of the tale you're telling.

People get injured everyday doing simple things. The problem comes sometimes when people crank up the intensity on skilled movements before they are ready.

I have been known as a crank, faddist, madman. Evidently the reputation is well deserved. For wherever I go, I draw to myself cranks, faddists, and madmen.

I couldn't have known 'Crank' was going to be published, let alone become a big hit. That book was very personal for me: I had to tell the story for myself.

Photography used to be not for the faint of heart. Its rigors would weed out the not-so-committed pretty quickly. You had to crank the f-stop ring yourself!

I've been a huge Psychedelic Furs fan for a long time. I love Butler's paintings, too. I like all their songs. I'll even crank 'Pretty in Pink,' I don't care.

WWE is so huge, and they have to crank out so many hours of television, so they don't have time to take the care and attention to detail for the entire roster.

I've always been a little bit in the background as a singer and even as an acoustic-guitar player, although I crank it up and rock with my Marshall stacks, too.

I don't want to write formula. I don't want to crank these books out like sausages. Every book is different, which takes a hell of a lot of ingenuity on my part.

My first single I was nominated for a Grammy with 'Crank That,' and I lost a Grammy to Kanye West, but it was still such a big deal for me to be nominated anyway.

My dad taught me really early so I could take a lot of pressure off my elbow. Because the way I throw it, it doesn't crank up my elbow like everyone else's curveballs.

The thing about our movies is, we write thirty drafts. That's a very detailed script. Which means that if you try to crank it out week to week in television, it's impossible.

I like Jason Statham movies, like 'The Transporter' or whatever. I watch them all the time when they come on TV. Then I saw 'Crank,' and I couldn't believe how awesome it was.

I keep a very cold apartment - I tend to crank my AC just about as low as it can go. I sleep with a big, warm comforter, even during the summer, and just burrow underneath it.

The wings are moved several times by hand to charge the crank chamber with mixture, which flows on through the external pipe and inlet valve to the compression space and cylinder.

I was a staff songwriter for Combine Music Publishing in Nashville for seven years. I'd sit around with a groups of friends with a Yamaha piano and a tape recorder and crank out songs.

Our palette is wide and eclectic. That's why we crank out a lot of different styles. To some people, it makes us seem disjointed or scattered. But when we play live, it makes sense to us.

I am really proud of where me and Ghastly's track 'Crank It' ended up. It was our first music video and big label release. It was such a dope experience working with OWSLA on that record.

I have a couple of basses in my office. And I try to be courteous of my co-workers, but sometimes I get carried away and I crank up my amp and I rock out. It's kind of my stress reliever.

I would say I'm an ironist not a satirist. All you do is you take existing tendencies and crank them up, just turn up the volume dial. Which is a technique of science fiction, apart from anything else.

The word 'crunk' means energy. 'Crunk' is the past tense of crank. So if you crank something up, you are getting it started and getting it going. So 'crunk' is when it's going... when it's off the hook.

Of course I knew that writing was terrifically hard work and that there was no secret code, as in a video game, that would unlock Tolstoy-mode, enabling me to crank out canon-worthy novellas before lunch.

I've had a great luxury in my career in that I became a very successful songwriter, which made it unnecessary for me to have to just consistently crank out albums and run off on tour for the sake of supporting myself.

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