Angus is a pretty crappy name.

You can work very hard on a crappy movie.

I consider a day without running a crappy day.

I'm a professional model, but I still take crappy selfies.

Music is the soundtrack to the crappy movie that is my life.

We'll turn down crappy games that are submitted to the Epic Store.

Microsoft isn't evil, they just make really crappy operating systems.

I'm a dreamer. That often helps me, no matter how crappy things become.

We were pretty crappy in the beginning. We really didn't sound that great.

I'm a hardcore gamer and would never let you down by designing a crappy title.

I worked in a gym. I was a trainer. I did all the crappy ex-football-player jobs.

I'm not a terrible person, I know that, but sometimes in a relationship, I can be crappy.

The first thing I'll do if I want to look really crappy is, I don't wear any makeup at all.

I made 'Going Greek', which was a very sort of crappy fraternity comedy that I did back in 2000.

I hate staying in resorts. When I go on holiday, I like to stay in crappy places with great surf.

But I can also write in crappy motel rooms, while standing in line, or sitting in the dentist's chair.

High School is like a spork: it's a crappy spoon and a crappy fork, so in the end it's just plain useless.

You know what I didn't realize at the time is a really good blessing, is that I was a really crappy player.

How many times have you had a crappy Super Bowl, but everybody goes to the Super Bowl because it's an event.

One man's content is another woman's crap. And the crappy content - let's call it crontent - will never go away.

'Saw,' in many ways, was like my student film. The first crappy student film you don't really want people to see.

With my own home, I feel like I'm the mechanic who drives a crappy car. I never have time to work on my own home.

I love really crappy carnivals, where you think the ride is going to break. There's something so seedy about them.

I've had plenty of crappy jobs, but the only job I've ever really dedicated myself to has been acting. It's my life.

Latin food suffers like Chinese. You can do marginal Chinese and be successful. You can do crappy Mexican and be packed.

There's a lot of crappy music that people like, you know, all over the world, and Norway is definitely not an exception.

I like YouTube; it's really entertaining. A lot of it is crappy stuff, but there are a couple diamonds in the rough there.

Everyone knows what crappy food is: high grease, high fat... or what clean eating is. They just make excuses not to do it.

I'm not someone who complains in any way about how things move forward, unless somebody actually does a really crappy job.

There's no denying it: I was a crappy baby who failed his way into this world, and I've been making the best of it ever since.

What I do on international flights is watch crappy, sappy love movies... Sometimes they're so bad, it's laughable. It kills time.

I gauge success in years, not weeks. The weekend box-office approach to book launches is short sighted and encourages crappy books.

I didn't go to Harvard because I thought they had good academics. I went because they had crappy enough sports so they'd let me play.

I want my music to sound good on whatever people are listening - laptop speakers, those crappy little white ones you get with your PC.

I don't make crappy movies. I spend two or three years making a film. I don't take myself seriously, but I take my movies very seriously.

I consider a day without running a crappy day. When I don't get to run, I am a grump, but some days my schedule just doesn't allow me to.

Someone will always hate what I say. There's always going to be somebody spitting blood about my wooden-faced, toffee-named, crappy acting.

I still get recognized. It's flattering, but it can be uncomfortable. Maybe because it only seems to happen when I'm looking and feeling crappy.

I think early in my career, I didn't choose films that were crappy films, necessarily, but I didn't go out and campaign for smaller, better roles.

Everyone in the entertainment business gets crappy contracts when we start out, and into the middle of our careers. It's the nature of the business.

Pay attention to how you think and speak, and if it turns out that you're sounding snide or crappy or doubtful, make the conscious decision to change.

In a sufficiently prosperous society where people specialize sufficiently, and where enough of the crappy work is done by machines, all work becomes art.

Obama is a fine, very impressive person. He really is. Unfortunately, everything that he is doing in economics is exactly wrong. He is a crappy president.

I was making crappy beats since I was, like, 17 or 18, using Florida rappers, where I'm from. Then I started DJ'ing because I just wanted to have a new job.

I know the volume of my work is less and I would have wanted to do more films. But I can't do just any role. That's the reason why I have done less crappy films.

I understand the bad rap that 3-D is getting because the conversions are crappy and because the films aren't designed for 3-D. It's a completely different medium.

I've had a lot of crappy jobs, but one of my favorites was working as a commercial fisherman in Alaska. What I loved about it was, you got paid for what you caught.

If a transporter could send me from the bed with the dogs watching crappy TV to the stage five minutes before I go on, then immediately back to bed, I would love it.

You have to write badly to write at all. If it's crappy, I will rewrite it later. But it will be mine. You can hear the resonance of an artist who goes into herself.

At one point in my 20s, I was about to quit acting. I'd had a crappy couple of years and I was depressed. My mom said, 'Don't give up! You'll be so mad at yourself.'

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