You fiddle lucker!' she cried.

I cried all the way to the bank.

We're the culture that cried wolf.

I've cried over string arrangements.

I cried when I saw how flat Toledo was.

I cried when I heard Johnny Carson died.

She was tired of being the one who cried.

I know myself," he cried, "but that is all-

Cinderella!" Dov cried. "Let down your hair!

I cried for madder music and for stronger wine.

And now," cried Max, "let the wild rumpus start!

Again, I lay awake, and I cried because of waste.

Come, Watson, come!" he cried. The game is afoot.

When we launched the SEC Network, I think I cried.

I've been on 'Oprah' a dozen times, and cried once.

If you haven't cried, your eyes can't be beautiful.

I cried, I was so overwhelmed to meet Michael Jackson.

“How ever did you see that?” “Because I looked for it.”

I went to boarding school at seven and cried and cried.

I don't know if I've ever screamed or cried for a band.

I'm not ashamed to say that I cried at an animation movie

I've cried a lot because of women. I cry a lot, as a person.

I cried watching 'Million Dollar Baby.' I'm a big baby, man.

Maybe if I'd been braver in that moment, I would have cried.

I almost cried the other day listening to ‘Vogue’ by Madonna.

I've laughed, and I've cried. Laughing has got it over crying.

My wife and son cried when we left Portugal, but I had to move.

The only day in your life.... Your mother smiled when you cried.

The first time I heard The Beatles, I cried. It was 'Let it Be'.

I took Bobby Kennedy through the delta and he cried like a baby.

When Rajesh Khanna died, I cried so much, my husband was confused.

A fellow in a market town, Most musical, cried razors up and down.

I was the happiest in English class, and algebra was where I cried.

I went to the top of the Cotton Bowl by myself, sat down and cried.

I cried, for happiness, for sadness, but most of all, for emptiness.

The night I won the Emmy, I probably cried for three hours on and off.

The tears I have cried over Germany have dried. I have washed my face.

There are many things that can only be seen through eyes that have cried

When I did a scene with Dharam sir for the first time, I actually cried!

When 'Friday Night Lights' finished, I cried for a day. I have a problem.

For a long time, I couldn't cry on stage. I cried very rarely as a child.

I have loved, cried, been mad with happiness. I have won and I have lost.

It's all like an ocean!" cried Dostoevski. I say it's all like cellophane.

I had a planned C-section and I cried the entire day before I had the baby.

When I was 12 I cried to my mom, because I never got my letter to Hogwarts.

In my entire career, I've never cried, consistently, through a movie, ever.

A 'Cosmo' cover has been my dream my entire life. I cried when I found out.

If I fell down and hurt myself, I never cried. There was no one to hear me.

I had a planned C-section, and I cried the entire day before I had the baby.

I've probably cried with a lot of songs - in teenage crushes, adult crushes.

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