Social media can be so damaging.

Yes, pro wrestling is damaging on your body. It hurts.

A lot of the time, excess on a film set is just damaging.

It's no good playing through pain if you're damaging yourself.

I've got absolutely no desire or intention of damaging England.

In politics, being ridiculous is more damaging than being extreme.

Social media can be incredibly damaging for impressionable people.

Criticism is different from violence and damaging public properties.

I, for one, am tired of seeing movies about men damaging each other.

I think it's damaging to know too much about a person, about an actor.

It is even more damaging for a minister to say foolish things than to do them.

Digital sound is damaging music; it's damaging the artists. It's so degrading.

When people speak disparagingly about others, they are really damaging themselves.

If I was 10st, I would look highly unattractive - it would be damaging to my body.

A no deal Brexit is a proposal so damaging to our future that it cannot be accepted.

Social media has been both damaging and beneficial in terms of how we view our bodies.

I believe that MPs from all parties must work together to prevent a damaging hard exit.

It's a universal experience to be compulsively doing something that's damaging your life.

I feel social media is so damaging to young people, I see it as being extremely dangerous.

When you're doing some things that are damaging you, you don't really realise it at the time.

The plausible outcomes range from the gradual and benign to the more precipitous and damaging.

It's so easy for folks to normalize their opinions, to engage in a groupthink that is damaging.

Any time we are misused or used for a purpose other than what God intended us for, it's damaging.

A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmental damaging consumption patterns.

Few things give rise to imprecise rhetoric like the issue of race. It's understandable, but damaging.

Films about women and their concerns are seen as frivolous, limited and, most damaging of all, niche.

Words and images deeply impact the way we view our bodies, and the consequences can be very damaging.

There's nothing more damaging than an irate moviegoer who hasn't seen what the film trailer promised.

In certain ways it is incredibly damaging considering the stuff I did before certainly wasn't for kids.

A 20-pound weight on the back of a small horse is more damaging than a 20-pound weight on a very big horse.

We're all severely addicted to our phones... it's not glamorous or always harrowing even, it's just damaging.

It's the people who don't recognize the racism within themselves that can be the most damaging because they don't see it.

All content should be copied without restriction. But for education and research, copyright laws are especially damaging.

Many rich people in China made their fortunes by damaging natural resources and building corrupt relations with the government.

True brothers don't let other brothers go down this path of irreparably damaging another human being as well as their own lives.

I want my sons to escape the pressure to be a particular kind of masculine that is so damaging to men and to the people around them.

There's someone on Twitter who pretends to be me but as long as he doesn't say anything damaging, I don't care. Let him get on with it.

Aquatic invasive species are destroying the environment, damaging fisheries, and costing American taxpayers billions of dollars annually.

Fame is damaging when people become reliant on it for their sense of self, and their identity, when fame is linked to how you see yourself.

Isn't prom just a fun dance that hardworking students deserve? Sure, but it's also an event where girls internalize damaging cultural messages.

The crime and violence in the black community is a prime example of the damaging effect of broken families and single female-headed households.

The reality in Iraq is that we are creating new terrorists and severely damaging the public impression of the United States in the Muslim world.

I can't think of anything right now that could be more damaging for our economy than passing and putting into effect and implementing Obamacare.

American decision-makers must understand how damaging a foreign policy that privileges order and profit over justice really is in the long term.

The very damaging, frightening part of postpartum is the lack of perspective and the lack of priority and understanding what is really important.

Child abuse is a heinous and personally damaging crime; it is therefore incumbent on the Church to treat such matters with the utmost seriousness.

Among the rednecks of America, which there are many more than people seem to realize, it was terribly damaging. I got blamed for O.J.'s acquittal.

I did a bit of running away when my mam passed away. I didn't go back to work; I started drinking quite a lot, and I know how damaging that can be.

I'm committed to working with business, both large and small, to make sure we don't impose unnecessary burdens or create damaging labour shortages.

Next to financial impropriety, being charged with a reckless pursuit of women is certainly the most damaging thing you can accuse a public person of.

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