I used to be a daredevil on BMX bikes.

There's a little daredevil inside of me.

I'm retired from the daredevil business.

I know of the Daredevil comic because it's so iconic.

I'm a daredevil. I'm not much for authority or rules.

I'm not a daredevil. I don't fly without a safety net.

I used to be such a daredevil but now I'm much more cautious.

I don't want to portray myself as a daredevil. I'm not at all.

That's another reason I did Daredevil: I didn't get killed off in it.

I want to validate that I'm the greatest daredevil in daredevil history.

My life has been being a daredevil. I am Evel Knievel. I am a daredevil.

I would have really loved to have gone on a hiatus to write for Daredevil.

They actually bought me for Daredevil 2, but they have to exercise the option.

I'm a lot like my dad: a little bit of a daredevil. I like an adrenaline rush.

I'm not only the best-known daredevil on the face of the earth, I'm the oldest.

For me, imagination is more important in climbing than muscle or daredevil antics.

Poems are the 'daredevil' of writing because a poem will say what nobody else wants to say.

At the same time, as you know, unless you are a comic book reader, Daredevil is not a known thing.

I don't know if I'm a daredevil, exactly, but I do enjoy a good challenge. It's the only way you grow.

I am a guy who is first of all a businessman. I'm not a stunt man. I'm not a daredevil. I'm - I'm an explorer.

I think jumping from one country to another would put me in a place in daredevil history that no one can match.

This flat Earth has nothing to do with the steam rocket launches, it never did, it never will. I'm a daredevil!

I've always been a bit of a daredevil, even as a little girl with a pretty high pain tolerance and things like that.

What you see in 'Daredevil' and 'Jessica Jones' isn't the Hell's Kitchen of today; it's a version of what it was like.

I didn't care if it was 'Daredevil' or 'Captain America,' I was a fan of all of it. It was just a part of my growing up.

'Daredevil' is haunted by Frank Miller, from the standpoint of the Frank Miller run on 'Daredevil' is so insurmountable.

'Daredevil's a great show; I feel like 'Jessica Jones' is a great show, and I feel like they really are tapping into something.

Like everyone else, I love 'Born Again:' that was a seminal work for me. Everything Frank Miller did on 'Daredevil' is like the Bible.

The day of the daredevil reporter who refuses to see obstacles to getting the truth, and seeing it with his or her own eyes, seems to have died.

Doing 'Law & Order' for so long, my fan base was, like, men and women my age, and then doing 'Daredevil', my whole audience has changed. It's cool.

I was not born into the world of the stuntman and the daredevil; I was born into the world of theater and writing and sculpting and classical music.

One of the fun things in the old days about writing with Frank Miller was that every issue of 'Daredevil' was a challenge to every issue of 'X-Men.'

I read pretty much every graphic novel I could lay my hands on. Not only 'Batman' or 'Daredevil,' but random ones like 'Black AF' and '100 Bullets.'

I collected X-Men, Spider-Man, and Daredevil comics. I definitely had a few Captain America comics lying around in those protective plastic baggies.

It's not that I'm a daredevil. But I'm just generally not a fearful person. I don't conduct my life worrying about what could happen, what may happen.

I'm a huge fan of anything Ed Brubaker does. A lot of his 'Daredevil' stuff. A lot of his creator-owned stuff, too. His 'Criminal stuff,' I'm really into.

I was a daredevil before, and after I lost my sight I was the same. I loved riding bikes, scooters and horses. I even learned to box. Muhammad Ali is my hero.

I don't know that a movie like 'Daredevil' did better for having Ben Affleck then 'Spider-Man' did having Tobey Maguire, who was a relative unknown at the time.

Daredevil's religion makes him unique. He's a vigilante, but he's also a lawyer - and all the while, he believes only God is capable of bringing people to justice.

'Daredevil' is incredible, but I mean, 'The Mighty Ducks' put me in a conversation that I wasn't in before. I feel like I owe a lot of my career to being in those movies.

I love Daredevil. I thought it was enjoyable. Okay? There were critical issues with it, and that's why I wear black, some people wear red - we are entitled to our opinions.

When people say Evel's a stuntmen I want to throw up. He's nothing but a daredevil idiot. The only reason he's famous is because he wrecks his motorcycle every time he rides.

I feel like, in some ways, I couldn't be a luckier actor to have Stick from 'Daredevil' and Senior from 'The Leftovers.' Two really different, incredible parts to do. I'm just lucky.

I have always been more comfortable with daredevil acts than with the everyday nuances of life. Let me jump out of a plane, speak in front of a roomful of strangers, even trek across Siberia.

The first conversations I had for 'Legion' were right as the first year of 'Fargo' was ending. 'Daredevil' hadn't even begun then, so when signing on, I had no real sense of the onslaught that was coming.

I walked the streets of New York; I would feel the presence of Daredevil. I would see him up on the rooftop. What you are doing in your life, you start to see in your book. It all starts to merge together.

The important information you need at the beginning of an issue. Like way they did the old Frank Miller Daredevil issues in the first five pages he always had to state his origins and how he got his powers.

If you don't have a voice that forces you back to basics, you're a dangerous person. Or to put it another way: You're at risk, and the people with you are at risk. I'm not a daredevil. I don't fly without a safety net.

This climate surrounding me has reached Clive Oppenheimer. In practical terms he sees that I'm not interested in any sort of daredevil stunts, I'm just interested in the work. And he's convinced that I'm clinically sane.

I learned about the psychology behind Elektra and that excited me. And then I read the 'Daredevil' comics, especially when they met because I wanted to get an understanding of the relationship between Elektra and Matthew.

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