I'm very good at denial.

Denial is an ugly thing.

Haters are fans in denial.

I actually believe in denial.

Hope is the denial of reality.

Security is the denial of life

Self-denial is the best riches.

Denial is a very powerful thing.

Self-denial is a monkish virtue.

There has to be some self-denial.

God's delay's are not His denials

What state do you live in? Denial.

Great repressions create dualities.

Denis Law could dance on eggshells.

God's delays are not God's denials.

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

One picture is worth 1,000 denials.

What is art but the denial of life?

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

And weed's not a drug - that's denial

Debate is so much better than denial.

Delay is the deadliest form of denial.

Sturdy beggars can bear stout denials.

The only aberration is denial of self.

That which is denied cannot be healed.

Give me romance. Flash. Give me denial.

Denial is a save now, pay later scheme.

Never underestimate the power of denial.

The only atheism is the denial of truth.

Don't censor incoming data through denial.

Denial is much more then an Egyptian River.

Denial of one appetite sharpens the others.

I don't like denial. I don't like repression.

Delusion and denial does not equal an apology.

What you try to bury just ends up burying you.

The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves.

In the denial of that disorder there is order.

I have a very highly developed sense of denial.

The denial of racism is a form of racism itself.

Optimism is denial, so face the facts and move on

After denial comes anger and finally, acceptance.

American society has gone completely into denial.

Ridicule is often harder to bear than self-denial.

The essence of tyranny is the denial of complexity.

The principle of realism means denial of the ideal.

Self-denial is indulgence of a propensity to forego.

People tend to believe accusations more than denials.

I am not a person who believes in austerity or denial.

It is through suppression that hells are formed in us.

I believe we're all in denial about the people we love.

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