Seek out different perspectives.

That's what the world's about - different perspectives.

I can reach the mass audience if I come from different perspectives on every song.

We all have different perspectives on the world. I'm a woman. I live in Chicago. I'm gay.

I think it's important that we have different perspectives. We need more diversity in Congress.

Different perspectives, experiences, and insights improve decision-making and lead to superior performance.

I always think that's neat, when you can hear a story told from different points of view, different perspectives.

I grew up around a mix of a lot of people, so I got a lot of different perspectives. As a kid, I appreciated that.

I chose to write from different perspectives despite its complexity because it is what I have always done as a journalist.

There are so many people in the world with so many different perspectives. But ultimately, at the heart of it, they're people.

I find it fascinating that you can look at the same problem from different perspectives and approach it using different methods.

If you can make the best music ever but it requires bringing in a few different perspectives, I'd rather make the best music ever.

'Udta Punjab' is a story of four different people merged together. There are four different stories and four different perspectives.

Once we start hitting lyrical themes that can whack you from all these different perspectives, we know we're onto something special.

Harvard freshmen are smart, interested, and excited, and it's fun hearing their different perspectives and stuff that they will share.

People look to 'Dear White People' as an encyclopedia of our culture. But it's also art, and there are characters with different perspectives.

The coolest part about 'God Made Girls' is you had all these different women writing it, so you had all these different perspectives in this song.

With any story I write, I could actually write it from three or four different perspectives, which would end with a completely different moral at the end.

The military is a group of people that come together from different perspectives and backgrounds and places and get a job done because they have a mission.

Think about how our country was built. The greatness came from our diversity; the greatness came from individuals with different perspectives coming together.

I think that's the beauty of the collaboration with a team. In the end, it never turns out how you imagine, it always is this amalgam of bringing in different perspectives.

I feel like it's easy to get lost in your own world and get distracted, and sometimes seeing things from different perspectives helps you appreciate your life a little bit more.

At a very young age, I was influenced enormously by Julio Cortazar or Carlos Fuentes. In that literature, there's always an exploration of different perspectives, points of view.

There were, and still are, a lot of different points of view in the gay community. It's not everybody holding hands and singing 'Kumbaya.' People have very different perspectives.

There are so many issues, so many opportunities to bring people together who have different perspectives, to develop action plans, and to have a significant impact on those issues.

I'm half-black, half-white, so I basically put it like this: I can fit in anywhere. That's why I write so many stories from so many different perspectives, because I've seen so many.

My mode as a writer is to layer different perspectives: the scientific, the philosophical, the political, the journalistic. When you layer them, you get a really wholesome, interesting picture.

Great novels have great characterization no matter what. But multiple points of view let me examine characters from entirely different perspectives, allowing me to learn more about everyone in the process.

As far as documentaries, 'Man on Wire,' 'Atomic Cafe,' 'Waltz With Bashir,' and 'Thin Blue Line' all offered me different perspectives to consider as we were designing the structure and approach to 'Tower.'

My mom's Brazilian, so she and I definitely grew up with different perspectives. I was born in America, and she's from Brazil, so we have different ways of doing things. There's a bit of culture clash there.

One of the most interesting things about science fiction and fantasy is the way that the genres can offer different perspectives on matters to do with the body, the mind, medical technology, and the way we live our lives.

I think singing and acting go hand in hand. Take an R&B singer: one song says, 'I love you,' the next is, 'Baby, don't leave me', the next is, 'If you leave me I don't care.' You have to drop in and out of different perspectives.

We have a tendency to think of war as this quasi-mystical thing, and that interpretation flattens the experience - by using different perspectives, I wanted to open a place for readers to compare and contrast, to make judgments, to engage.

I'm now doing three things: concerts, conducting, and teaching, and they each support each other. I learn to see things from different perspectives and listen with different ears. The most important thing that you need to do is really listen.

Kids don't read as much as you'd like them to, just in terms of seeing the world from different perspectives. I mean, that's the great thing about books, still. Here's television, here are the movies, and it's pretty limited in terms of the perspectives.

This is the time to pull together as a Nation, as different people from all over the States with different perspectives and different social statuses and different income brackets, to unify into one and help those on the ground who need our help the most.

We need different perspectives here in Washington - someone who has private-sector experience, somebody who's actually created jobs, manufactures products, understands the incentives and disincentives, the intended and unintended consequences of legislation.

I'm extremely proud I was born and raised in the Bay Area and loved representing Oakland. I started recording in the Bay Area and worked with a lot of different producers. But I always wanted to collaborate with different writers and get different perspectives.

Most of my ideas come from drawing patterns across conversations I have with different types of people - technology investors, young fashion design students, a CEO. This variety is stimulating and offers many different perspectives on the things I am thinking about.

What we try to do at 'The Federalist' is to provide opinion and analysis that brings in a lot of different perspectives from across the Right. You'll see, a lot of times, us running an article that argues one side of something and then an article that argues the opposite.

New York is great because it's such a cross-section of the world, and when you're used to people being shoulder-to-shoulder all the time - in the street, on the train - you become a people person. People are very open to hearing a lot of different perspectives, and they aren't as sensitive.

Winston was a bit of a challenge, all right, from a lot of different perspectives. It wasn't just the culture or the class divide or the historical baggage - it was also the age difference. We had to see if I could be aged-up legitimately, without it becoming some sort of hokey acting challenge.

What I'm saying is individuals have better ideas if they're connected to rich, diverse networks of other individuals. If you put yourself in an environment with lots of different perspectives, you yourself are going to have better, sharper, more original ideas. It's not that the network is smart.

Even if somebody is maybe a little less qualified, you can bring them in, you can teach them, and it will also make your work better because you'll have different perspectives. Even if somebody is less talented, they're coming at it from a completely different perspective, and that helps your work.

My husband and I grew up with parents who supported our passion, and we're grateful to them for that. It really helps you find your identity when you're younger. It helps you become a really well-rounded person, the more you can show from different perspectives. The arts show us empathy, which is so important.

Art is interesting because there can be so many different perspectives in a piece of art. The way I see it may be completely different than the way somebody else sees it. It's interesting to hear what somebody sees in a piece of art compared to somebody else. It could be completely different, and that's interesting to me.

As it's related to publishing, I think magazines really benefit from having a staff with a range of different perspectives and cultural references so that any reader can feel like there is someone on the masthead they can relate to, someone they can trust to speak up for them. It's great to see that idea being embraced more and more.

I can teach many sports, but obviously, tennis is the one. When you do other sports, you see things from different perspectives: different footwork drills, body positions, angles and geometry. All that stuff is helpful, and so when I do other sports, I can see things, because once you know one sport, then the other sport becomes more clear.

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