Every memorial in its time has a different goal.

Every woman is just a different kind of problem.

I'd rather see the world from a different angle.

It's no use trying to be different than you are.

Be different, stand out, and work your butt off.

She waited for you in a thousand different ways.

I realized that my strength was being different.

Daring to wear something different takes effort.

Those who grew up digital have different brains.

You have to be a freak in order to be different.

Men of different tastes have different pursuits.

I know I'm different, but I don't think about it.

My different personalities leave me in peace now.

There are different kinds of people in the world.

There's a different use for different strategies.

Like and equal are two entirely different things.

A good marriage is different to a happy marriage.

I was different from most young conductors today.

Different people feel differently about resigning

It's nice that we have all these different films.

In Wales, it's eight different weathers in a day.

We all look at the same object in different ways.

We are all ignorant; just about different things.

Anybody that says different is selling something.

All men are ignorant, just on different subjects.

I've done literally 100, 150 different characters.

Showing strength is different than showing muscle.

Your beautiful don't let anyone tell you different

You use a different part of your heart with girls.

People have different interpretations of "urgent".

I love to travel to hear different kinds of music.

It's not difficult to make money - it's different.

This is Manchester, we do things differently here.

I'm different, and I'm not afraid to be different.

True singing is a different breath, about nothing.

I always have a few different books going at once.

Going to Dubai represents a different way of life.

I've done so much stuff and it's all so different.

My problems aren't so different from anybody else.

Different cocktails for different Saturday nights.

Joy is something entirely different from pleasure.

A chronicle is very different from history proper.

Knowing it and seeing it are two different things.

In order to be different one must be irreplaceble.

I try a different cookie recipe every time I bake.

Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.

An absolutely different and distinctive character.

I had to prove myself to a lot of different people.

May we awaken from the dream that we are different.

There are no wrong decisions ― only different ones.

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