I'm a thousand different people. Every one is real.

Every man is ignorant - just on different subjects.

Love goes through different stages. But it endures.

I wanted to look different because I felt different

A different language is a different vision of life.

Different times need different types of leadership.

Saying it is one thing. Doing it is very different.

I'm into music for all different sorts of purposes.

I learn in a different way. I learn experientially.

People have different ways of interpreting history.

Your enemy is your own self in a different uniform.

I always have a different way of looking at things.

I think every director has a different methodology.

What makes you different is what makes you beautiful

I've been through so many different political races.

To look at a thing is very different from seeing it.

I kept going to different colleges, but dropped out.

I try to avoid typecasting by doing different roles.

You don't have to have a disability to be different.

Everyone you see is you in a different time & space.

We are all saying the same thing in different words.

Reality simply consists of different points of view.

Faith can take many different forms and expressions.

But then, it's probably different when you're young.

My blood is no different from that of other martyrs.

Many times I feel different like a different person.

Every director is so different from every other one.

Why am I the way I am? Well, I used to be different.

Everyone is unique and each experience is different.

Each dancer has a different dialect that they speak.

David Cameron has a different style to Gordon Brown.

Things are always different from what they might be.

Life and death are different sides of the same coin.

To be different is a gift. To be ordinary is common.

Prose and poetry are as different as food and drink.

There's hundreds of different ways of writing songs.

All my six husbands married me for different reasons.

Money has only a different value in the eyes of each.

I do different things. I'm a designer. I'm a painter.

I think I'm a different person with different people.

The situation in Syria is quite different from Libya.

Be different - without concern for what others think.

The more things change, the more they stay different.

Spies go undercover. They take on different personas.

I'm not Arsene Wenger. We're different. I want to win

All pain is the same. Only the details are different.

When you are in the future, the past looks different.

You cannot make a difference unless you're different.

We are the Sun with all the different kinds of Light.

Being an actor lets me be a million different things.

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