Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds ...

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

I never discuss discussions.

Actors never discuss future plans.

I refuse to discuss tabloid rumors.

My father and I always discuss cricket.

I don't like to discuss my investments.

I'd never discuss anything confidential.

I don't discuss my career with my husband.

I am not one to discuss my future publicly.

I have a social life. But I don't discuss it.

Abortion is emotional and difficult to discuss.

But I don't really like to discuss Phil anymore.

The idea of spirituality is difficult to discuss.

I will not discuss future hypothetical situations.

I follow politics, but I don't like to discuss it.

I've got a lot of friends with whom I discuss jazz.

I don't like to discuss my personal life in public.

Audiences in mainland China know how to discuss movies.

I don't want to discuss my breasts with the whole world!

We can have our beliefs and still read and discuss things.

I do discuss things with him, but as a father, not a friend.

Tarek and I don't discuss each other's relationships at all.

I'm not here to discuss the past... I'm here to be positive.

We need space to discuss unspoken, uncomfortable dark truths.

I, as a gamer, understand passion to discuss favourite games.

We should not always discuss whether or not a player is angry.

I do not purpose to discuss faith in its dogmatic sense today.

It's important to discuss the issues that we have in our country.

Do you think it's possible to discuss politics without preaching?

The U.N. can meet and discuss, but we don't need their permission.

We never discuss race in this country until something bad happens.

Whenever I discuss my family, I inevitably think of my brother Owen.

Those who seek happiness miss it, and those who discuss it, lack it.

People discuss parenting the way they talk about denominations of faith.

If you discuss other people, words get twisted; things get turned around.

When I hear senior actors discuss their experiences, I can relate to them.

If you try to discuss multiculturalism in the U.K., you're labeled a racist.

Sometimes I think that people are not prepared to listen and discuss truths.

My sister is not a public person, so I don't think it's right to discuss her.

Families in which nothing is ever discussed usually have a lot not to discuss.

My brother, Ajay, who plays lower-division games, and I discuss cricket often.

There are certain things I want to keep to me. I don't discuss my private life.

I love how a story can help someone discuss something they otherwise would not.

You can't discuss Macau in any logical conversation. It will distort any reality.

Some people think that all the equipment you need to discuss religion is a mouth.

Professors simply can't discuss a thing. Habit compels them to deliver a lecture.

It makes great conversation to discuss what's wrong with open-wheel racing today.

So many people discuss, you know, Israel/Palestine as if it's people on a spectrum.

An artist cannot speak about his art any more than a plant can discuss horticulture.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

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